Forums - Forums ( - ( -- ( Posted by ducvader on April 3rd, 2001 11:52 PM Hey Peeps...this is Duc again ....i think i will be doing this again since im starting school soon. this should help both you guys and i since i need to start practicing on my typing for college. Please be considerate with your questions and allow me enough time so i can answer your questions...honestly and in the best way i can think of...this is of course my opinion( basically what i would do)..not a guarantee...this is a lets help each other out thread so others are welcome to help out. thank you for everything and hope you peeps learn more and more after reading this thread........sincerely duc do. Posted by LordLocke on April 3rd, 2001 11:58 PM Hmmm... Well, I guess I'll open by asking how exactly is Tron used in tournaments for her assist. Counter-assist? Mid-combo damage buffer? anti-rush? I've found her pretty good for all three, but I'm still having a few problems actually calling her at the right times (outside combos, that is.) BTW, if anyone comes here for Venom help, send 'em my way. Venom's my baby, and I'm more then willing to share my wealth of info on the guy. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by fLoE on April 3rd, 2001 11:58 PM hehe hi... ima be helping duc out with questions in this thread... just remember u guys to THINK before you ask questions =) be considerate of the people trying to help =) Posted by Jin_Saotome on April 4th, 2001 12:02 AM yo duc.. i have a question why r u so cheap especially when u play against me Posted by FrizziPizzi on April 4th, 2001 12:02 AM Mr. Duc, I am a scrub at every game, especially MvC2. I know 2 combos for each character, and can do all the fatalities, oops wrong game. Anyways, I need help doing a 9456 hit combo with servbot. I saw a combo video with Servbot and Kobun doing a team super with gambit helper. How is this possible? I play on training mode every single day, somtimes TWICE! And i cant do it. I play against the best in Orlando, FL all the time, and they can do this....but not me...WHY?? Please explain why i am a scrub, and will never GRADUATE from SCRUB status... Sincerely your greatest fan, Frizz.... __________________ The Frizz Posted by Ryu_311Funk on April 4th, 2001 12:03 AM Hello I was just wondering at exactly what time can you call in an assist while in block stone, because for some reason while I do strider trap and assist comes out while they are blocking and jump away now i been told to teleport above them, but I have and the same results happen it just ends up being my strider eating an assist also is there any shure fire ways around this??? Perhaps im teleporting at the wrong times or something. Thanks! Posted by JuSTmE on April 4th, 2001 12:04 AM sup duc, glad to c u posting again. well my question is about throwing. after watching tha shgl tourney last weekend i saw that tha ranked players like to throw in tha air a lot. its amazing how u guys just jump up and throw right away. can u give me some tips on tha timing and how to do it safely? peace out. Posted by Dc1 on April 4th, 2001 12:17 AM hello duc: well my team is psylocke-AA/strider-Beta/doom-AA my questions are: 1)can u give me some trategies and damaging combos with psylock(how to rush down properly and her most damageing combo, etc...) 2)what is the most effecient strider/doom trap, i've heard many different one but i want to know the most effective one 3)can u give some tips on how to incorperate doom's rocks with the psylock rush down any other comments about my team would be appreciated, but don't tell me to change my characters __________________ Dc1 out! Posted by DarthSalamander on April 4th, 2001 12:23 AM How do you deal with typical Spiral counter teams when playing Spiral/Cable/Sent(such as Sent/Storm/BH, or Spiral/Storm/Cable)? Thanks in advance? __________________ "You spoony bard!" - Tellah (he died for you) Posted by SSJGouKi on April 4th, 2001 12:28 AM hey duc. Well i am hopeing you can tell me how to do that AWESOME spiral knife trap you did in B4. Please tell me exactly how you do it. Thanks in advance! __________________ (0)_(0) (='.'=) (")_(")o Posted by MadBooFace on April 4th, 2001 12:31 AM ducvader, I play Spiral and was wondering if her speed-up super makes throwing knives and jumping faster. My question is whether or not the wall of swords can be done faster and more effective because of this. Thanks for the help. __________________ Spiral/Cable/Sentinel Often imitated, never Duclicated Posted by tone on April 4th, 2001 12:41 AM Dear duc, I have a problem beating these two guys at my arcade. I heard on a website that they're supposed to be good. This guy.. Alec Valley.. he's supposed to be a good rush down player or something.. he plays a team of bh/sent/cc. The other guy, Duke Du is supposed to be a good excution player ... he plays spiral/cable/sent. What I want to know is how do I beat them cuz they think they're the shit since they win every freakin tourney around here. So any advice or strategies against those teams would be greatly appreciate. PS. I don't think they're that great.. just average compared to the great duc do. __________________ Question: Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? Posted by KusanagiClan on April 4th, 2001 12:49 AM When do you think is the perfect time to try for a triangle jump with Magneto with the least risk of retaliation or a random aaa or launcher? And how do you personally execute storm's triangle jump? what do you use for the jumpin part and what do you use to continue it into a launcher? Posted by TS on April 4th, 2001 12:50 AM I bow to you, Mr. Duc. Anyway, was just curious...I've heard your Team Shoto has improved greatly compared to the one in the video here at SRK...was just wondering how you played them. Team Shoto forever. Thanks. __________________ -ß a r Posted by Optiks on April 4th, 2001 12:54 AM Hi Duc, I was wondering why you switched from a spiral/cable/cyclops team to a spiral/cable/sentinel team. It seems to me that when you switch to sentinel you lose the team's anti-air and the helper that sets up cable's AHVB. Sentinel's better on point but I don't see how it's worth the loss. Sentinel also helps Spiral chip but seeing as how most of the damage is coming from Cable, doesn't it make sense to use an assist that benefits Cable more than Spiral? Posted by psx2000 on April 4th, 2001 01:00 AM Ok duc i got question. Besides cable who would you say has a easy guard break or something that could be pulled of in a tournament. __________________ "The werewolves, IN CONJUNCTION WITH The Saucer People, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF The Reverse Vampires, are secretly forcing our parents to go to bed early in a fiendish plot to eliminate the meal of dinner! We're through the looking glass here people." Milhouse Posted by COLLOSSALSKILLZ on April 4th, 2001 01:02 AM what are spirals teleportations? Posted by BarrelO on April 4th, 2001 01:19 AM Holy shit! It's Duc! I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! First of all, in your honest opinion, how many MvC2 characters do you think have legitimate uses in tournament play? After reading posts by Viscant, Jinmaster, and Dasrik, I came up with 41. Also, if you don't mind my asking, what other games do you play seriously? I know you're good at Tekken, and I also heard that you played MSHvSF. Anything else? __________________ Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by fLoE on April 4th, 2001 01:26 AM ok ima help out on the questions i think i can help out on =) lordlocke: Mainly the only tron ive heard of in tournys are on east coast tournys. Tron is mainly used for her gamma assist which does INSANE damage. On point she can run with her drill and also combo into super with any chain -> drill XX lunch rush super and if they block that u can cancel to the big servbot which is totally safe if blocked or hit Ryu: you cant call an assist while in the actual block stun. If your being hit while your blocking you will not beable to call an assist but if your doing a move that is whiffing and they are still blocking they are able to still call out an assist. So with strider doom they should always be BLOCKING something. DC: psylocks most damaging combo is c.fierce sj.u+RH, psyblade XX butterfly super. Psylock rush is mainly based around dash in with s.fierce and c.rh but remember to watch out for aaa's. The main point of strider/doom is to make sure there always blocking something and to try and build as much meter as possible while there blocking. Basicly strider/doom is drop doom, teleport to the other side, then after that u can either keep teleporting to try and get them hit or u can just do chain combos while there blocking to build more meter. Best thing you could do with psy/doom is c.rh into doom then otg to the combo i listed above. Tone: my gaming hero! dont u already know? they cheat! =P Kusangi: Storms triangle jump is best done with fierce because it causes a LONG hit stun so u can dash in and combo. psx: magneto guardbreak is probably the 2nd easyest guard break but u can only do it in the corner. Its sj then dash forward then sj.short,sj.fwd hyper grav XX tempest then u can otg after that because most likely they wont roll because it switches sides on them so you have to roll in the oposite direction. collos: the buttons on the game corrispond to where spiral teleports. So if you teleport with holding fierce she will go on the up/right side of the other charecter. heh i hope this helps u guys out =) Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on April 4th, 2001 01:32 AM yep yeah, similar question to one posted above.. i'm really trying to figure out when an assist is being able to called.. best to my knowledge: you CAN call assist- during flight during normal jump during attacks during combo you CAN'T call assist- during super jump during block stun during combo ON YOU... hmm... i think that's about right... some helpers come out after a long lag.. that sucks.. okie, here is my real question.. 1. will throwing negate any assists??? it seems like even after you call your helper, i can grab you, and instantly the assist just passes through you... it kinda sucks, but i was expecting to use my assists to battle rushdown, but a good thrower kept denying it.. on the other hand, i can tech better now. =] 2. i have a hard time against cap. com... arrggg. any general help is heavily appreciated.. i tried using by having a of my own, but since i don't know how to use, i get my ass beat. =[ should i try to conter with just general strats, or should i just learn of my own??? thanks.. __________________ o(o.o)0 0(o.o)o ------------------ o(o.o)-0(*.0)-o if u dn't gt ths, go fc xr ttrl n pwrhg. Posted by strider_hien on April 4th, 2001 01:33 AM Hey Duc!!!! I'm having a lot of trouble doing Storms airdash aircombo, which is, launch, wp, wk, mp, mk, airdash, wp, wk, mp, mk, ac finisher When i do the dash, she always dashes past the guy, any tips on this?? which direction do i dash, i usually dash diagonal upwards (is this the wrong direction?) What's the best assist for Silver Samauri? I play a lot of rushdown, and some keepaway (with storm), so should i use the ground type, or the projectile type?? My team is storm/psylocke/samauri, do any of these characters have a guard break? Thanks for all the help!! __________________ Revenge is a dish, best served raw Posted by TS on April 4th, 2001 01:46 AM Re: yep I'm pretty damn far from Duc skill-wise, but I'll try to answer some stuff. quote: Originally posted by Limp_Bizkit666 yeah, similar question to one posted above.. i'm really trying to figure out when an assist is being able to called.. best to my knowledge: you CAN call assist- during flight during normal jump during attacks during combo you CAN'T call assist- during super jump during block stun during combo ON YOU... hmm... i think that's about right... some helpers come out after a long lag.. that sucks.. That's pretty much right. Simpler way to describe it would be to say that you can't call assists when in any kind of "stun." Not in Blockstun, not in hitstun (after being hit for most characters, after being hit several times for Hulk/Sent etc, and IBZ and Super Armor Collossus are pretty much never in hitstun), and not in movestun. Movestun would be like if I threw a fireball with Ryu...I can't call an assist until pretty much the same time that I can block (the moment when I am free to do what I want again). Just think of assists like special moves. You can two-in-one them like specials, it's just that they only take one button to do in MvC2, and they don't interrupt your current normal move(s). But you can't call assits during movestun because that would be like, to use Ryu as an example, immediately cancelling a fireball into a DP. To do that Assists would have to be considered supers, and they're not. That's also the same reason you can't call them during supers (Chaos Dimension, Oruburos, and other altered-state supers are the exception). Probably too much information there. quote: okie, here is my real question.. 1. will throwing negate any assists??? it seems like even after you call your helper, i can grab you, and instantly the assist just passes through you... it kinda sucks, but i was expecting to use my assists to battle rushdown, but a good thrower kept denying it.. on the other hand, i can tech better now. =] You are invincible while throwing. Simple example would be to go play Dramatic Battle in SFA3 and have the solitary fighter grab one of the team mates. The free team mate can't hit the opponent with anything until the throw animation is finished. __________________ -ß a r Posted by Cletus Kasady on April 4th, 2001 01:56 AM PSX: Strider has two hella easy guard breaks. If he doesn't have Ouroburos on, he can call an Eagle (QCF+Roundhouse), then dash up and launch S.Jab -> C.Fierce into AC of choice. If you've already got the Orbs on from killing an opponent, jump and mash on Jab to get rings to catch them as they fall onto the screen. I've also been trying to test out a guard break with Cyclops that involves J.Roundhouse XX AMOB. Seems somewhat risk-free, as you either get good damage or a decent amount of chip damage if you fuck it up (Unlike with the AHVB). - Cletus Kasady Posted by S3nTiN3L on April 4th, 2001 02:10 AM was up DUC looks like yaa got a LOT of ? to anser huhhh.anyways i have a personal ?. when you going back to gladys? i know i usto suck BAD(you remember you kicked my ass the whole summer last year with my jill,ruby,hyhato team)anyways last time you were there (that i know of) i told you i wanted to play yhaa cuz i got beter but you left???? i guess you had to go but i want to play yaa 1 more going to ask lalo if you came around any other times. ohh do you still play with rene? and that night what hapend????? anyways jus set a time and ill be there ohh and what collage or university r u going to?anyways got to go but i dont know if you remember but im carlos tai's friend. anyways later DUC . p.s. and yes im much more cheaper and beter the last time we fought so this time it might be foreal!!! __________________ MvsC 3 Posted by SinfestBoy on April 4th, 2001 02:16 AM jeez, let him have a chance to reply before he gets 35 more questions, lol. But MY question is this: What one of the top 20 characters (top tier and top of second tier) has the highest priority air throw? and what type of throw is it, can I do some sort of follow up to it? like they cable throw can be followed up by a viper beam, even though it wont hit probably. __________________ "Feel my magnetic wrath! Ok, or mash out of it, whatever." - Magneto "SHUSH THE HUSH!"-Zach (me) Posted by 3pwood on April 4th, 2001 02:17 AM quote: Originally posted by fLoE collos: the buttons on the game corrispond to where spiral teleports. So if you teleport with holding fierce she will go on the up/right side of the other charecter. I'd just like to add that you can hold down+ any button to appear closer to your opponent. -Threepwood Posted by Majestros on April 4th, 2001 02:18 AM Floe: You got it all wrong. They don't cheat. They use gaming steroids like Shock Mega X said. I even caught Alex using them once. He was drinking this weird green stuff when we got there on Monday nite. I'm sure Duc was drinking the same thing at the same exact time whereever he was that day. If i actually find a place to get the stuff, i'll be sure to mail you some. Posted by SinfestBoy on April 4th, 2001 02:22 AM I think that stuff is called gatorade __________________ "Feel my magnetic wrath! Ok, or mash out of it, whatever." - Magneto "SHUSH THE HUSH!"-Zach (me) Posted by Dangerous on April 4th, 2001 02:47 AM Ok while everyone is here I might as write a few things Duc: if you want to practice your typing, you could have just copied off your favorite book or something. (in others words: thanks for being here) I remember you mentioning that you would be writing a strat guide for the magneto, storm, and psylocke team. Are you still planning on that? Well, whether you are or you are not, let me try to make some general summary on what you should try to do with this team... Based on the battery/user/assist team format, the team actually starts out with the user, magneto, as the first character. Magneto can easily build meter for himself while psylocke is used to set up assists. If magneto gets injured, storm comes up and takes the hits while building meter for magneto. When magneto is preped up again, they switch out while psylocke is still used for assist help. In other words, Magneto and Storm simply switch back and forth with each other. oh yeah, what's the name of that gatorade? is it white frost or something? I gotta get me some of that stuff! Posted by CaptainCanada on April 4th, 2001 03:29 AM Beginner's Storm... Wow. I Can't Believe It's Duc! I've got some questions about Storm (I'm trying to learn her right now) 1) Should she ever start out a match to build meter for Cable, or would it be better if Cable did instead? How good a battery is she? 2) What are some good, realistic combos for her? Duc, I can see you're overloaded with questions don't have to answer this one if you don't have time. Posted by batsu13 on April 4th, 2001 03:31 AM to Duc or anyone with more knowledge than me: i play with cable/mag/CapCom. my quest. is what is this i hear about captain's grabbing. all i know is that it is powerful! Posted by knives on April 4th, 2001 03:40 AM grab someone with HK and mash like crazy... if you mash fast enough and your opponent doesn't mash back, you can hold them and do damage as long as you keep on mashing.... even after they die, if you mash you can still hold their dead body and waste time....but you gotta mash really hard. my friend killed his hand like that. heh heh. Posted by Strider Hiryu on April 4th, 2001 04:11 AM Yo Duc.. Whats up man.. Im the guy that almost beat you with Mag/Storm/PSy at the Galleria a couple weeks ago, but lost becase i missed that last tempest on yer damn storm. My question is, how do you fierce throw right after Magneto's launcher? Ive been havin some trouble tryin to figure it out. Also, can you explain to me how that damn storm cross up air combo works? Thanx.. __________________ Posted by S3nTiN3L on April 4th, 2001 04:17 AM quote: Originally posted by Strider Hiryu Yo Duc.. Whats up man.. Im the guy that almost beat you with Mag/Storm/PSy at the Galleria a couple weeks ago, but lost becase i missed that last tempest on yer damn storm. My question is, how do you fierce throw right after Magneto's launcher? Ive been havin some trouble tryin to figure it out. Also, can you explain to me how that damn storm cross up air combo works? Thanx.. uhhh do you know duc cuz i do? where do you play?i play at some arcade called gladys in san bernardino and some times in rialto in an arcade called counterspells or somethin like that. u must be good soo who else do you use. if your good we should play each other (not much comp over here lately uhh except for one of my friends uhh his name is lalo do you know him he works at gladys anyways repli __________________ MvsC 3 Posted by NJames on April 4th, 2001 04:29 AM Questions: I have Mega Man/Ken/BH, I'm playing Cable and can't find a way through his keep-away without BH getting triple HVB'ed trying to help his buddies in tournaments. Any clues? -NJS- __________________ When a warrior goes into the shadows of the night One will only know when they return. Through day and night, they fight on In an effort for peace, justice, and triumph. -NJS- Posted by Iceman on April 4th, 2001 04:50 AM Welcome back Duc. Good to see you back helping peeps. My question pretains to MvC2 and really every SF game in general. I have a problem. I've noticed that a lot of my losses are due to me missing moves and combos. How can I remedy this problem? It seems my hand/finger dexterity just plain sucks. Any advise to help me out? __________________ "...I'll string you up from a big ass tree, with a sign around your neck that says 'Whack MC'"--MC Hawking Posted by ELLwarriors on April 4th, 2001 05:01 AM Hey Duc. good seeing your making this thread again. i was the guy at SHGL in the black jacket with the slick back hair with the san diego players talking to you after the brackets were drawn up. Anyways, my question is in regards to annoying cable/cyclops teams. namely cable/storm/cyclops and cable/blackheart/cyclops. These teams eliminated me from the tournament and I'm very annoyed by them. My question is how in the hell do I stop these annoyances. I like to play sentinel/doom/commando, but will probably play cable/sentinel/commando. What can I do to stop these annoying teams? thanks __________________ My hand is the divine breath Posted by *Dp on April 4th, 2001 05:02 AM Okay, in the recent tourny with Rattana was using iceman what stopped him from being rushed down? Strider Hiryu posted something like (Jump Fierce icebeam, poke if poke connects AC XX artic attack) but he did not say it was to stop rushdown , but I'm assuming the above strat was used to stop rushdown. __________________ Why does my evil blood boil? Posted by Frankie on April 4th, 2001 05:09 AM Just posting for the fun of posting... Just to say that I'm part of this thread since it will reach probably around 900 posts... __________________ CHECK OUT MY FIGHTING GAME SITE!!! FIGHTER'S GENERATION Posted by orochi ryu on April 4th, 2001 05:16 AM Help please. Ok, to do mags block brake, you regular jump up, then dash forward and do lp,lk,and the magnetic bals into the super. RIGHT? Also. What is this storm cross-up combo i hear about? thanx! Posted by JsTyLe on April 4th, 2001 05:25 AM Hrmm whens santa clause.. uh i mean duc going to come and deliver our answers ... Newho just wanted to ask how do u play a good shoto team? Posted by Ranma0005 on April 4th, 2001 05:31 AM Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuc!!!! Quick question about Storm combos. First the cross up air combo with the Lightning Storm: Jab, short, jab, short, in the air, but after that are you dashing down-forward? Or lighting attack down forward? And the other combo I wanna know about is the Super jump cancel combo. Launch, jump roundhouse, dash down-forward ???, and then off the ground? Just curious, I was pretty much dead when you were showing me this crap, but I can't remember anything now =P Chris __________________ If I'm not here, I'm at Momoko. If I'm not at Momoko, I'm on my way to Momoko Posted by who-or on April 4th, 2001 05:35 AM duc, I was wondering how you would go in beating a cable/aaa with magento. Also, this may be tied in to the question above, but say the opponent has a team of spiral/cable/cyclops, against a team of mag/storm/psy, which team do you think has the better chance of winning? I would assume the spiral/cable/cyclops one, but is there any way for a the mag/storm/psy team to come out on top? If so, how? and, I would like to say what you are doing is great duc. Thanks. Posted by Lupid on April 4th, 2001 05:37 AM Floe: blocked Tronne drill xx King Kobun isn't safe, they can SJ over it, and if they have a way back down or a super Tronne's gonna die. Also, Mags' easiest guard break that I've found is SJ RH, dash d/f, short, forward, land, and do whatever you want. They can't take the hit because all of the moves combo, and if they block they get crossed up, and it a big combo for free. Posted by Combo Master on April 4th, 2001 06:20 AM Hi Duc! There is a problem wich I always have when I try Psylocke's triple jump air combo in the corner on Juggernaut (yes him, cuz i cant' pull it off on anyone else unless I have perfect timing). The problem is that when I attempt the 3rd jump part, Juggy is already too high for me to continue (part of Juggernaut's body is no longer visible since he's at the very top of the screen/stage). Is there something I can do to stop this? Also, may this setup of mine have anything to do with it? In the corner vs. Juggernaut: J.LK,J.LP,J.LK \/ D.S.LP, S.LK, C.LP, C.FK > LP Psy Blast (OTG), C.FP /\ SJ.LP,LK,LP,LK, up+FK /\ DJ.LP,DJ.LK,DJ.LP,DJ.LK,UP+FK /\.. ..And I can't go any further since Juggy is now way out of my reach. __________________ "The answer is only important if you ask the right question!" Combo Master JJ's Fighting Game Realm Posted by Strider Hiryu on April 4th, 2001 06:42 AM quote: Originally posted by S3nTiN3L uhhh do you know duc cuz i do? where do you play?i play at some arcade called gladys in san bernardino and some times in rialto in an arcade called counterspells or somethin like that. u must be good soo who else do you use. if your good we should play each other (not much comp over here lately uhh except for one of my friends uhh his name is lalo do you know him he works at gladys anyways repli I usually play at the TILT at the mall or at SHGL.. Once in a while, ill be at UCR.. I never played at Gladys games, but i know of people that play there.. I believe Dasrik and his brother play there... BUt yeah.. if you ever wanna meet up at the mall, ill be down.. __________________ Posted by Strider Hiryu on April 4th, 2001 06:48 AM quote: Originally posted by *Dp Okay, in the recent tourny with Rattana was using iceman what stopped him from being rushed down? Strider Hiryu posted something like (Jump Fierce icebeam, poke if poke connects AC XX artic attack) but he did not say it was to stop rushdown , but I'm assuming the above strat was used to stop rushdown. Umm basically, Duc really wasnt rushing Rat down.. Spiral isnt much of a rushdown chracter. However, everytime that Duc got in close to initiate a Spiral/Sent trap, Rat would call Cykes AAA, giving him the oppurtunity to get the hell outta the path of the knives. The jumping iceball xx downward icebeam was used to punish assist characters, and at the same time, not allow Spiral to reload... Icebeam goes through knives... __________________ Posted by ID on April 4th, 2001 07:01 AM Alright, for those who asked bout the Storm crossup combo..its launch, lp,lk,lp,lk, airdash downforward, lightning attack upforward xx super couple variations of it- Duc usually does the same thing, except with 2 lightning attacks, upforward, and straight up. also, i've seen someone airdash downfoward, LK, LK, lightning attack, super i couldnt get that to work, tho. And storm's other combo goes something like, launch, SJ fierce, airdash downforward, lk, lk.. Posted by Maximum Burst on April 4th, 2001 07:25 AM I am a Sentinel player too. So I was wondering who you feel he is best teamed up with and why. What assist you use for them and what assist should be used to help him. Also how do you play Sent. Do you go into flight mode all the time. Or what do you do? __________________ See what happens when you deal with a true Guard Break Master. You will have your Guard Broken along with your Spirit. Hyper Guard Break Megaman X!!! Posted by Cybermitsu on April 4th, 2001 07:34 AM Hey Duc! Sorry I haven't been showing up to SHGL the past.. oh.. month or so (Yes it has been that long...). Gotta give you props for dominating once again and showing the rest of the US where it's at when it comes to MvC2. BTW, where are you going to school? I may have to head to Nor. Cal to get my next level of education (college). __________________ Where is my glowing stick? Wait.. I mean KATANA!!! The only SILVER SAMURAI player in So. Cal Posted by DeathFromAbove on April 4th, 2001 07:42 AM Takes a Number...1,273,412. Now Serving...12. uh...hi. May I ask a few ?'s... When you play your bizness team, do you rely on Spiral to win you the match (Cable as insurance/assist), or is Cable the franchise of the team (Spiral just a battery)? Is Circle of Swords XX Metamorphoses inescapable on the ground, as well as during superjump? If so, what is the best spacing? (right on them, half a character width away, a full character width apart) What's your favorite way to start a match? Superjump? Assist + Teleport? Jump + Assist? Thanx in advance, -DFA __________________ Insert witty comment here. Posted by who-or on April 4th, 2001 08:01 AM Also duc, how would you do a triangle jump perfectly? Like, what directions do you do with the joystick? down to up/forward to down/forward? Posted by Maximum Burst on April 4th, 2001 12:46 PM Give him a chance to respond before we all start making more requests of him. __________________ See what happens when you deal with a true Guard Break Master. You will have your Guard Broken along with your Spirit. Hyper Guard Break Megaman X!!! Posted by Monkey on April 4th, 2001 01:38 PM quote: Originally posted by ducvader Hey Peeps...this is Duc again ....i think i will be doing this again since im starting school soon. this should help both you guys and i since i need to start practicing on my typing for college. Please be considerate with your questions and allow me enough time so i can answer your questions...honestly and in the best way i can think of...this is of course my opinion( basically what i would do)..not a guarantee...this is a lets help each other out thread so others are welcome to help out. thank you for everything and hope you peeps learn more and more after reading this thread........sincerely duc do. Again?! I havent talked to you in awhile, so whats up?! ANyway, I dont know if I have any questions no MvC2 anymore. I believe that I can figure things out on my own these days. I like to see you are helping everyone again though, its good for the community.. Posted by LordLocke on April 4th, 2001 04:15 PM quote: Originally posted by fLoE ok ima help out on the questions i think i can help out on =) lordlocke: Mainly the only tron ive heard of in tournys are on east coast tournys. Tron is mainly used for her gamma assist which does INSANE damage. On point she can run with her drill and also combo into super with any chain -> drill XX lunch rush super and if they block that u can cancel to the big servbot which is totally safe if blocked or hit Great and wonderful, but ya didn't answer my question. I KNOW the uses of Tron both on point (mostly chip w/Doom and the Bonne Rush) and in the back (either Throw for anti-rush or Projectile for damage/anti-rush) but I'm having problems dropping the Projectile assist at the right time. I normally either wind up wiffing by pulling it too early, or pulling it too late and Tron gets smacked. I'm looking for help for signs of when to call Tron in for the assist. You know, when to drop it, particularly, against a rushing Magneto. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by DOA362 on April 4th, 2001 07:16 PM I have a simple question. What are some of the most usefull guard breaks with Sent and Spiral. Ok two questions. Is the standing fierce x4+assist ( sent Gama or Spiral Alpha) xxx short held time bomb, useful or is it better to use j.f+assist and viper beam. I have great luck with the standing version but on the vids all I see is the jumping version. Posted by tone on April 4th, 2001 08:23 PM Wowzers.. that's a lot of questions.. duc is gonna have to get his typing speed up to like 2000 wpm. Time to burn the midnight oil duc. Make sure you have get plenty of rest before answering and drink plenty of liquids. Oh and make sure you get 15 big macs also. Just make sure they have enough meat this time. LOL... __________________ Question: Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? Posted by BabiG on April 4th, 2001 09:51 PM Duc, what's a battle? Are you going to Bovine University too? Posted by KusanagiClan on April 4th, 2001 10:41 PM I'd like to get Duc's opinion on this matchup for Mag/Storm/Psy ... Vs. Spiral/Sentinel/Cable In my opinion, this is an incredibly hard fight for Mag's team. Spiral takes up a hell of a lot of space with her knives and sentinel's drones keeps the trap going nice and smooth. Although not overly hard to get by the trap, it is very difficult to penetrate everything on screen and get in a launcher. Any advice for Magneto? For storm on point, I'd think to go up into the air and start throwing typhoons down. Spiral can teleport up there and get you down relatively easy, while you have to play guessing games to get in a lightning attack. Any better methods? Posted by *Dp on April 4th, 2001 10:52 PM quote: Originally posted by Strider Hiryu Umm basically, Duc really wasnt rushing Rat down.. Spiral isnt much of a rushdown chracter. However, everytime that Duc got in close to initiate a Spiral/Sent trap, Rat would call Cykes AAA, giving him the oppurtunity to get the hell outta the path of the knives. The jumping iceball xx downward icebeam was used to punish assist characters, and at the same time, not allow Spiral to reload... Icebeam goes through knives... I meant over all rushdown(when he faced mag,psy,storm) but anyways, thanks __________________ Why does my evil blood boil? Posted by Opticblast420 on April 4th, 2001 11:20 PM Hey yo Duc who else besides spiral would go good with a cable/sent team?? and also who else would go good with a storm/spiral team?? thanx mike Posted by fLoE on April 5th, 2001 12:02 AM lordlocke: basicly try and drop tron and get to the other side.. kinda same idea as strider/doom drop doom and get to the other side and try and get a hit in then u will be pushing them into tron assist and youll get the good dmg =) so just remember to safely drop tron and get to the other side then put pressure on them =) Posted by manny on April 5th, 2001 12:13 AM Once agian Duc doesn't reply to his own thread. Posted by SinfestBoy on April 5th, 2001 12:35 AM Cable/sent? try Doom. but ya gotta have cable on AAA and Sent on Gamma __________________ "Feel my magnetic wrath! Ok, or mash out of it, whatever." - Magneto "SHUSH THE HUSH!"-Zach (me) Posted by Monkey on April 5th, 2001 01:20 AM quote: Originally posted by manny Once agian Duc doesn't reply to his own thread. He has a life other than here 24/7 to answer your questions. Thats an ignorant thing to say when you ask someone else for a favor. Posted by Lord Doom on April 5th, 2001 01:29 AM Not a knock against Duc, but almost all of these questions could easily be answered by someone else. And I have yet to see Duc answer somebody so why do you continue to ask questions. I know one way to answer them, try it for yourselves. Nice to meet you Duc, i admire your work. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by apostle on April 5th, 2001 01:46 AM JIN! Monkey, why don't you go spank it, you never have anything good to say. Sorry Duc, anyway, my team is Strider/Doom/Jin, I use Jin, for two reasons, one because Jin is awesome, and two i feel he is a better stand alone character than CapCom. Comando i understand is used to throw would be attackers helluva far, and so is great relief to a Str/Dm team, but lets all face it he sucks rocks on the field. My question is, when i have someone like Jin on the field, with doom backing him up, How can I get around either Storms runnaway non-sense, or Cables jump grenade roundhouse meter builder? If I try and rush up, or jump at, I just eat a storm fierce, or a Cable family roundhouse in the face. If I'm on the ground, I just eat clops into supper. Its really tough to maneuver around those top tier characters with a middle road guy like JIN. Have any pointers? Posted by tempest on April 5th, 2001 03:16 AM i would put bh with cable and sent cuz bh can make meters for cable mad, and wwith storm and spiral cable would be prefect thats my own opinions and yes i agree dom some of these questions are kinda easy to answer yourself peac __________________ the will to live is stronger then anything. Posted by SyberNinja on April 5th, 2001 03:20 AM Jesus duc it seems once again you have your work cut out for ya! I do agree with the fact ALOT of these questions can be answered by over average players but alot of people want to hear it from the best..sometimes the "second rated" players are second rated for a reason...and people belive it is THERE question that makes them second rated lol Anyhow I hope you get all the questions answered and The Ninja will help you whenever someone asks for it..i am sooooooooooooo bad at explaining stuff when typing it but i will still give it a try! see ya at B5 in the finals heh __________________ Don't run from will just die tired...§N BRB bathroom break....oh wow i just pooped out foomyjin's magneto! Posted by Lord Doom on April 5th, 2001 03:25 AM Hell, I'll try to help out if anybody wants help. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by tempest on April 5th, 2001 03:31 AM doom your luck your somebody like team rocket that asked dozen questions each post and they were so lame god man like "HEY DUC CAN I COMBO A SNAPBACK INTO SUPER' something like that . peace __________________ the will to live is stronger then anything. Posted by BabiG on April 5th, 2001 03:35 AM I'll ask a different sort of question I guess...if you get around to the other 100... What do you think seperates you/the rest of the best, from everyone else? Do you think it's more a pure talent thing, or a dedication thing? What skills do you see as important when you want to go from someone who just knows the moves and traps and things, to someone beyond that? Posted by S3nTiN3L on April 5th, 2001 03:38 AM quote: Originally posted by Strider Hiryu I usually play at the TILT at the mall or at SHGL.. Once in a while, ill be at UCR.. I never played at Gladys games, but i know of people that play there.. I believe Dasrik and his brother play there... BUt yeah.. if you ever wanna meet up at the mall, ill be down.. what mall ? and when? i cant next week cuz im heain to san diego.ohh and who is dasrik(can you give me an idea what he looks like ohh and how dose he play cuz i know some forin guy who has a brother) anyways whats your name my name is carlos anyways hit me up later! __________________ MvsC 3 Posted by tempest on April 5th, 2001 03:44 AM to me its skill and mental mind that push you ahead form rest of the class and practice like crazy well not crazy but spending time mastering new combos, steups and escapes from traps and etc thats how i feel bout what you asked i hope i answered it way you wanted it be answered but that is good question . peace __________________ the will to live is stronger then anything. Posted by dragonkahn on April 5th, 2001 04:01 AM You want me to make you an avator (pic below your name), Duc? __________________ Long Live the Dragon Posted by Lar-ry$ on April 5th, 2001 04:27 AM manny .........are you the pink haired kid who plays with spiral if so msg me...i'm a bit envious. Posted by Las Vegas Pimp on April 5th, 2001 04:34 AM Hey Duc, you want some babes? -y2kev __________________ (Y2KevinIsGod@Aol.Com) Helping "scrubs" reach their potential. Posted by Lar-ry$ on April 5th, 2001 04:53 AM btw, get off duc's balls . i beat him all the time. right duclas? (my new name for you, you like?) Posted by Crimson Fury on April 5th, 2001 05:34 AM Some people here at GameWorks in Las Vegas said that he was coming this Saturday. Is that true or not? It's not like I don't believe them, but I just want to know. Posted by Strider Hiryu on April 5th, 2001 06:00 AM quote: Originally posted by Crimson Fury Some people here at GameWorks in Las Vegas said that he was coming this Saturday. Is that true or not? It's not like I don't believe them, but I just want to know. Uhh... Highly unlikely.. Especially at Gameworks.. Not that i dont mind paying $5 per game on some shitty ass sticks playing scrubs all day.... __________________ Posted by phillyblack on April 5th, 2001 06:55 AM Wassup Duc! I only have a few quick questions for ya so here goes, 1)In your opion,who is the best character in 3rd Strike? 2)Besides B.B. Hood and Cable(or hulk) who are good characters to use with juggy? 3)What are the REAL ways to do the magneto,strider,Storm and Cyclops infinites? 4) Who is the best character in MvsC2 and who is the worst? Thats it for right now. Thanks for helping other gamers out and if i can think of any other questions i'll make sure i holla. Phillyblack __________________ Defeat is NOT an option, it's an absolution!!! Posted by [bllsht] on April 5th, 2001 10:28 AM hey duc, i just want to say your so damn good on the 2rny vids of damn!! __________________ oLd ScHooL NeVeR DiEs!!!!!! Posted by Evil on April 5th, 2001 01:17 PM Hey duc, my question is how does it feel to be a god amongst these people who would suck your dick if they had the chance to, i mean to be well known above everyone else. What do you say to something like that? Posted by tempest on April 5th, 2001 03:13 PM ok philly back another character that works well with juggy glitch iss ent have sent out on point fly use his rocket punch or his pokes and call out juggy punch out very good kill off small pixe characters,but don't this cable who has meters though. in sf3 any character can be good but mosty chracters i see use are ryu, ken, akuma, alex , hugo, and chunlie . and to me best character in mvc2 is either magento or storm and worsest ... roll thats my opinion . and duc is not god ok his very well rounded player in mvc2 i mean no disrespect to duc or anything like that just kinda dumb calling a guy god cuz how well he plays a fighting game peace . ps. these non gamming or mvc2 question are getting dumb and lame . __________________ the will to live is stronger then anything. Posted by LordLocke on April 5th, 2001 05:43 PM Well, Duc's still a no-show, and a LOT of people have come in asking questions. Perhaps I can fill in as a stand by. I'm no Duc, and I probably can't answer EVERY question, but I'll give what I know... so don't feel bad if I don't answer your question if it's a little too Duc-centric, like asking about his own B4 tactics, or something I don't know, like highest-level Psylocke. FrizziPizza: Well, honestly, not being able to perform this combo doesn't make you a scrub. This is the Gambit/Servbot glitch combo you're talking about, right? I wouldn't worry about it and work on performing somethin that you might use in a real match Besides, I don't know how to do it either... Ryu_311Funk: Well, as soon as block STUN ends. You can be in the block pose, but if you're not actually BLOCKING something, you're free to call out an assist. A good example of this is if someone drops Doom AAA right next to you. The first part will hit, knock you out of range, then a moment later fire off the second part. You can't drop anything while blocking the first or second part, but between the two, you can, despite the fact you're still in the block pose. Great for calling out an AAA to break things up. An important trick to master if you use fast AAA like Cyke, Ken, or Psylocke on your team. JuSTmE: Practice, practice, practice... if you got the DC version, train against a jumping CPU at first to learn the ranges, then impliment it into real play. Generally, the characters have to still be close, but not as close as on the ground. Also, you need to be on generally the same plane, or only a little higher or lower, to throw. Normally, it's not too useful, but against triangle-jumping Storm or Mags, Air Dashers like BH, or flyers, it can be an effective way of breaking their momentum. I suggest using Strider, Venom, or Sabretooth for your first tries, as they seem to have the best range on their Air Throws. Dc1: 1) Well, Psylocke's best combos that I know of are the Butterfly-super air combos: C.Short, C.Fierce (jump), SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ Forward, SJ.U+Roundhouse (jump) SJ. U+Roundhouse xx Roundhouse Psyblade XX Butterfly Super. I hope this helps, but I'm not much of a Psylocke player. 2) The best I've seen involves using the birds to get the inital lock. Nailing a blocking opponent with the bird, then activating Orobous and teleporting is very effective. From there, drop Doom and teleport again into the air on the other side, and as the Orobous end, drop Doom, reactivate, and teleport again... 3) Well, incorporating Doom with Psylocke's rush means that you've having problems breaking down their guard. Frankly, Doom dosen't offer much to a pure rush-down like Psylocke, particularly one who doesn't try to win via chip. BUT, you can use him as punishment during a blocked chain to add some chip you normally wouldn't get. DarthSalamander: This really IS a question for Duc, considering he IS Mr. Spiral. I'm not sure I can do it justice, but I'll try. It's all about being VERY patient with Spiral, from what I've seen. Don't try to keep a lockdown (Since you can't), but use the swords to pester. Against Sentinal, wait for him to do his S.Fierce, then teleport behind him and do what you will. For Strider, do the QCF+Short Sword Ring the moment you see him teleport. Storm, though, has no easy answer. I'd pull out Sentinal if you're facing a Spiral backed with Storm and play counter-Spiral of your own. MadBooFace: It does make her throw rate and jumping faster, but the knives themselves are at the same speed. Simply put, you can throw a lot more knives, but they will take the same amount of time to get there. And the Sword Stampede still is as slow as ever. The inital startup is a bit shorter, but no so much it actually has a use. Kusanagi Clan: The best time is RIGHT after the opponent has used their AAA. Bait them with a cancelled dash or similar tempting bait, then go for the Triangle as they go shooting past you. Well, I'm no Duc, but I PERSONALLY execute the down-forward dash JUST as I get above my opponent's head. Or, if I'm going for the fake, just as. It's a good trick to learn how to fake it to get a confusion advantage, because even triangle jumps suck if abused. I tend to use Storm's J.Fierce to jump-in (good range and cross-up potental, lots of stun), and from there do a typical Storm chain-to-launch. psx2000: Well, a lot of people have already answered this one, and I gotta add Iron Man to the list. Catching a decending opponent with a U+Fierce, then going into the infinate, is really easy to do if you nail your opponent with the U+Fierce near the peak of their jump. Have the remaining questions next post... __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by LordLocke on April 5th, 2001 05:45 PM COLLOSSALSKILLS: The buttons are the teleports. Punches teleport you above your opponent, to either side (Jab on the left, Fierce on the right.) Ditto for kicks, but right next to them. The punch teleports will ALWAYS drop you aboe them, even if they're way up in the air. Quite useful. BarrelO: Once again, not Duc, but I think it's along the lines of 48. I think the only characters that TRULY have no use are Roll, Zangeif, Dan, Shuma, Hayoto, Ryu, Marrow, and Spider-Man. Even Chun and Servbot got some cheap tricks that they're the particular best at (Stomp-assist, and chip-super, respectively) Limp_Bizkit666: 1) Throwing makes both the thrower and the throwee invincible until the end of the throw animation (Well, the throwee is hurt by the throw, but nothing else) One of my better tricks is using Venom's air throw to drop someone right in the middle of Doom's rocks. Not very strong, but annoying and looks cool. Venom will slam them on the ground, and as soon as he lets go, the rock will pummel them every which way. 2) Well, Capcom on point is beat by anyone on tier one and a good segment for tier two for free while assists are still in the game. He just ands little to the team dynamic on point. If you're dying to the ASSIST, the best thing is a fast, invncible AAA to call out as you see Commando appear. strider_hein: Well, try executing the air dash a little quicker. You shouldn't go flying by unless you're starting the dash too late. As for for Samurai, I'd put him on ground, considering how easy it is to deal with his projectile assist. Besides, land the ground-type, and ya got a free super. SinfestBoy: Probably Strider or Venom (well, if you consider Venom top 20.) Neither offer any follow-ups because they BOTH slam their opponents into the ground the hop away. Honestly, looking for setups with air throws is generally a waste of time. The only air throw I can think of that DOES set stuff up is Wolverine's, and that's because it's EXACTLY like his ground throw, so in the corner there is a lot of potental abuse. CaptainCanada: 1) Well, if you don't want to do Storm-runaway, I'd put her first as battry. only if you want to use Storm as a runner should you place Cable first. 2) Gah... well, do you mean simple, non-Air Dash combos? Well, there's always just her basic AC combo (C.Short, C.Roundhouse (jump) SJ. Jab, SJ. Short, SJ. Strong, SJ.Forward) with two lightning attacks into a Lightning Storm... batsu13: Capcom's throw kick can be mashed for INSANE damage. Like, super-calibur damage. It's his best use, and his game, when actually IN match, is all about either landing it or his Captain Storm. Strider Hiryu: Are you talking about the air throw, or normal fierce throw? Linking a air throw after a launcher is nothing too special... just jump up after them and instead of bashing on SJ.Jab, hold forward and hit Fierce. As for the cross-up AC, I have no idea whatcha talking about. The triangle-jump AC? or one where she actually crosses you up in the air? Clarify, and maybe I can answer... NJames: well, considering you should be hopping and shooting like mad with MegaMan, as well as kicking a few rockballs here and there, Blackheart should have plenty of cover-fire. If he's getting zapped too frequently, Mega simply needs to send even MORE shit around the screen. Iceman: Practice, practice, practice... no other answer. ELLwarriors: Cable kills Blackheart dead. He's a good counter for any BH-reliant trap. Cable can lock BH down the grenades, Viper Beams, fierces, and if BH tries to mount any kind of offence, AVHB time. Ken as an assist also works well at stopping the madness. Ranma0005: Those sound correct. For the cross-up, it's definately the air dash, THEN do the Lightning Attack BACK up. And yes, the SJ-cancel combo goes just like that. I think. who-or: Use Mags to fake out the AAA. A Faked Wave-Dash or triangle jump are preferred methods. Once the AAA comes out, begin to assault Cable with everything you got for him. Maximum Burst: Well, I like my Sentinal with Venom, but that's just preferance. . Anywho, if you're looking for Sentinal on point, I can't really fault picking Doom (For the Sentinal/Doom and it's reverse, Doom/Sentinal traps) and Blackheart (BH/Sent trap, and also a good assist for runners) OpticBlast420: Might I suggest rounding out the Cable/Sentinal team with Cyke. The guy sets up both guys repeta-super combos, and you can put Cable on his projectile assist to help Sentinal keep rush-down across the screen. As for Spiral/Storm... hmm... well, Cable with his AAA. Besides him, BH and Doom aren't bad choices either. phillyblack: 1) Chun-Li. But what does this have to do with MvC2? 2) Well, a long-time favorite pairing with Juggernaut for me has been Doom. On one end, you got safe chipping for Juggy, something he lacks. On the other, you got someone who can deal with rushdown OR keep-away by charging right through it, allowing Doom to focus on his distance game. 3) No freakin' clue, honestly. ^^; 4) Well, popular opinion has Storm as the best and Zangeif as the worst, but just a couple months ago, those titles belonged to Doom and Roll, and expect them to change again after B5. PHEW! that's a lot of questions, and that's a lot of answers. Once again, sorry if I didn't answer your question, but that's because they were too Duc-centric, or I either didn't know or wasn't sure enough to take a shot at it. Toodles... __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by Xecutioner on April 5th, 2001 06:52 PM hey duc r u going to ecc or to midwest tournies because i will love to take on the living legend __________________ Osore tewai ikenai...Watashiwa Sai shyo de ari...Sai gyo yaru! (There is no need to fear me...for I am the Beginning...And the End) -Jedah Doma- (Vampior Savior) Posted by Voodoo on April 5th, 2001 07:46 PM If some of you people are *dying* for answers - you could always post under Jin's "teach mvc2" thread in Strat Forum. Doesn't have quite the daunting number of questions being asked (though duc did get to pretty much all of them last time lol). __________________ When I roll these bones I always come up six! Posted by Monkey on April 5th, 2001 11:08 PM Here is the question that I was going to ask you in Mirc.. What do you do when you prepare for a up-comming tourney?? I just would like an opinion on how I should go about in doing this. I think that I asked you this the first time you had this topic (back in the day. ) But I dont remember what you said.. Posted by manny on April 5th, 2001 11:19 PM Calm down Monkey. If duc plans on not answering his own thread he shouldn't start it. Besides I've never asked Duc a question, so I will mock his question answering thread all I want. And considering he isn't answering (and probably wont answer) any of the questions, he isn't reading my posts either. Which means he isn't offended so he doesn't care. __________________ [img][/img] Posted by Monkey on April 5th, 2001 11:20 PM quote: Originally posted by manny Calm down Monkey. If duc plans on not answering his own thread he shouldn't start it. Thats funny, he just told me that he was comming here to answer these questions.. Posted by ducvader on April 6th, 2001 12:10 AM I know there is a big demand for answers but i am only one person and i do not have to much time for this...but i am helping out as much as i can...this should be a given. I will answer all questions as fast as i can but only the ones i think that needs lots of explaination i will take my time with. lots of these questions can be answer by everyone but some need my opinion and strats. ok here we go i only have an hour to answer so i will start now. i will start on page three since i was told by floe that he has answer most or all of the questions from page one to two. mr death....i play spiral as an attacker.... not just for battery...enventually she will have charged the bar enough for my cable to come in and do damage. its a team meant to beat all teams...difficulty depends on person and the team they use . there are other teams too that can win. um the spiral super combo is inescapable only in air. be abput one character length. i like to start off my game with nothing...just stand there....most of the time and let them take the initiative. whoor....there is no set triangle depends on the character and when you decide to dash down from a super jump. i always use a super jump to if i do cross over i will turn araound to hit them. regular jump works too but it does not let you turn around when you go for a cross over. maximum...thanks for backing me up... i do need time peeps to answe these questions. i will get to the unanswer ones as soon as i get the chance...remember it is only the third day now you know. im only ya only human not a god lordlocke ...i tried the tron assist out...its ok to me not all that..but if you really want to use her for the assist drop her after they call theres if its not the doom assist. shes an use after they use their assist assist. um try to do a jump over then call their assist type of they can retaliate against her since she will be behind them. doa...i dont use gb with either characters..but for sent you can do drones early then beofre they land do rocket punch to hsf. um sorry i dont get the second question. tone..maybe you can help me out me floe and the rest of these teeling you guys this at this rate..i will never finish answering all of these questions so n e help will be too lordlocke thanks for the help. babig...a battle is a dual.. i think you that. um bovine uni?.i dunno is it a good business school? is a hard fight for mag storm and psy against spiral solution or somethig you can do to make things a little easier is to chage psy to cyc since he has more range and stamina..use him as a shield. another thing you can do is to move forward a little and call storm a assist so that can penetrate for you to move in..your goal is to get in close and destroy(lol..sounds funny) them.. throw alot...thats what i do. gotta see it to believe it...this can be pages and pages of explaination. optic...try cable sent and bh...depending on who they use...change your order. you dont have to if you dont want to..thats a good team. and try cable for the storm spiral team...make sure your cable can hang since you wont have n e direct anti airs. hey ......ssshhhhhhh...all i got to say. i dont see you helping n e . i do have a life to attend too you know...i do this cause i know that peeps will appreciate it and they will enjoy the game more if they know how to play the game more deeply...and besides its only the third day..try fitting this in with everything else..this thread isnt exactly a small slow thread you know... monkey..thanks you for backing me up too. i dont hate these guys...just that they want fast answers...i am trying...its not easy...lots of work. lorddoom...ya n e one can answer these questions...some are rather easy and i dont see why they are being asked again..there were ask in the old thread of mine..its ok..this site is getting bigger and bigger so we do have new peeps in here..thanks for your trying to remember if we met or not.. basically if you have a very slow character you dont have that much of a chance to win. against storm it is almost im possible to win since she can avoid jin by flying away all day. as for cable ..try to use jins chipping abilities to win...and throw a throw here and there. thats what i would do..i font know if it would work or not not a jin player. babig...i dont really know what separates me from the best...i see potential in a lot of people..some who i think can be just as good as the rest of the top players...just that um they choke when it comes to toureny play. getting nervous is very bad...try to not think of it as a tourney...when you are in one...thats what i do. i dont say im the best...peeps do that for me...guess well have to see at b5. youll make me one of those thingys for my name...i would like one thanks..something cool ya? ok peeps my hour is up and i have to go home now and do other things sorry i couldnt reach page four in pretty slow at typing. i will get to your questions in time if its no answer yet or when i have the time. sorry for n e inconvience..thanks for understanding....have a nice day now you hear. Posted by Monkey on April 6th, 2001 12:14 AM quote: Originally posted by ducvader monkey..thanks you for backing me up too. i dont hate these guys...just that they want fast answers...i am trying...its not easy...lots of work. No problem, I understnad this, it is alot of work. I doubt myself in doing this, I probably couldnt answer half the questions they post, and its so time consuming.. You forgot my question though. Posted by LordLocke on April 6th, 2001 12:44 AM No problemo, Duc. It'd be nice if some of the people who's questions I actually answered were as thankful as you are, but then again, I couldn't leave you with SIX pages of questions. So i helped however I could. If it's all right, meebee I'll pop into this tread to do that sort of thing again. After all, a lot of this stuff probably COULD be answered by a lot of other people other then Duc, and I'm just as good as anybody... at least what I know. And I know a lot. My title just isn't there for looks. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by TS on April 6th, 2001 12:46 AM I just wanted the Team Shoto question answered... But should I have an opinion on anything that I think may be valid, I'll go ahead and toss out some advice. __________________ -ß a r Posted by shinalkuma on April 6th, 2001 01:16 AM LordLocke i'm impressed Posted by Lord Doom on April 6th, 2001 04:48 AM Thanx duc, I appreciate it. Glad to see you Just so you know I really do respect your skills especially in MvC2. I've tried successfully I might add in adding some of your strategies in with my own. I just have one request to people, please do not become a "carbon-copy" of duc. If you solely rely on what duc says then I really feel it will get you nowhere. I know for a fact if you ever played duc, he would probably murder you for doing everything that he does, not saying that he wouldn't hammer anybody anyways, but I'm sure he knows how to escape his own stuff. Instead incorporate what you like into your own strategies, this is the way to better yourself. Anyways, thats all I got to say. duc, I've seen you fight before but I feel that I never will be able to fully appreciate your skills until i get a shot at you in the game. I would love to fight you just for the hell of it. peace man. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by S3nTiN3L on April 6th, 2001 05:37 AM quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom Thanx duc, I appreciate it. Glad to see you Just so you know I really do respect your skills especially in MvC2. I've tried successfully I might add in adding some of your strategies in with my own. I just have one request to people, please do not become a "carbon-copy" of duc. If you solely rely on what duc says then I really feel it will get you nowhere. I know for a fact if you ever played duc, he would probably murder you for doing everything that he does, not saying that he wouldn't hammer anybody anyways, but I'm sure he knows how to escape his own stuff. Instead incorporate what you like into your own strategies, this is the way to better yourself. Anyways, thats all I got to say. duc, I've seen you fight before but I feel that I never will be able to fully appreciate your skills until i get a shot at you in the game. I would love to fight you just for the hell of it. peace man. trust me man i KNOW he prety much tought me all i know (without him even knowing)the summer MvsC2 came out he kicked my ass EVERYDAY but i lerned off of him!and i THANK him for that! yes he did REALY want to kick my ASS sometimes cuz i got SOOOOOO excited i beat 1 of his CHAR. but i think were alright friends! and jus as you, i cant wait till i play him again cuz ive IMPROVED MUCH and i want him to see this........i remember when he was teaching me how to do a BASIC air combo with jill. ohh and every time he was about to kill me, he would let me practis on his team untill he was olmost dead and then kill me. anyways like i said THANX DUC FOR TEACHING ME THINGS(especialy cheapness)ohh anyways later! __________________ MvsC 3 Posted by who-or on April 6th, 2001 05:55 AM Thanks duc! But I was referring to is how do I do a triangle jump perfectly without throwing those pink stuff. I think someone else can probably answer this. I got another question duc: For Storm's triangle jump, you use FP right? but when I do it with FP, it doesn't come out fast enough to hit the opponent, it just cancels because she lands. When I do the triangle jump and hold up right after and hit FP, it hits, but I was wondering if there is a better method? Posted by Lord Doom on April 6th, 2001 05:56 AM See, thats good though. What i'm saying is be original. Don't just play the way someone else does because it works. Pick and choose stuff that people do that fits the way you want to play. There is nothin worse than fighting a so-called internet player. You know the type. the one's that see duc, valle, viscant or nyte play somebody and say I can do that too and blindly pick characters not knowing anything about them except what they saw. Experiment some. Like you said, he taught you how to do combos but I bet that you don't play his exact team and do everything he does, he simply helped you learn things, and thats great. Thats what i'm talking about. What usually happens when you play people like that is that you seen it before and once you break it they have nothin. I just don't want people to end up that way. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by Lord Doom on April 6th, 2001 05:59 AM What I usually see is people waiting till they get over and behind you with Storm then hit FP to cross them up. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by Maximum Burst on April 6th, 2001 06:00 AM No Prob Duc. It is just bad when you try to help out and everyone jumps down trying to get what they can and not understand that you can not answer everyone and you can not do it all at once. quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom Thanx duc, I appreciate it. Glad to see you Just so you know I really do respect your skills especially in MvC2. I've tried successfully I might add in adding some of your strategies in with my own. I just have one request to people, please do not become a "carbon-copy" of duc. If you solely rely on what duc says then I really feel it will get you nowhere. I know for a fact if you ever played duc, he would probably murder you for doing everything that he does, not saying that he wouldn't hammer anybody anyways, but I'm sure he knows how to escape his own stuff. Instead incorporate what you like into your own strategies, this is the way to better yourself. Anyways, thats all I got to say. duc, I've seen you fight before but I feel that I never will be able to fully appreciate your skills until i get a shot at you in the game. I would love to fight you just for the hell of it. peace man. And Lets not forget. The Carbon-copy maybe be the same as the original but the Original is always better. __________________ See what happens when you deal with a true Guard Break Master. You will have your Guard Broken along with your Spirit. Hyper Guard Break Megaman X!!! Posted by LordLocke on April 6th, 2001 06:09 AM quote: Originally posted by who-or Thanks duc! But I was referring to is how do I do a triangle jump perfectly without throwing those pink stuff. I think someone else can probably answer this. I got another question duc: For Storm's triangle jump, you use FP right? but when I do it with FP, it doesn't come out fast enough to hit the opponent, it just cancels because she lands. When I do the triangle jump and hold up right after and hit FP, it hits, but I was wondering if there is a better method? you're throwing the projetile for Magneto? D'oh. You need to jerk from up to down-forward, not roll to it. it takes a little practice, but it's worth it to keep ya from throwing out the floaty pink projectile not get nuked. As for the Storm Triangle, you GOTTA do a super-jump version if you wanna hit your opponent with Storm's fierce on the way down, but it's bar-none Storm's best Triangle-jump attack. It opens up a BUNCH of combo ops, including some of Storm's nasty Lighting Storm ACs. Simply put, do the SJ, then QUICKLY go to DF+PP before ya get too high. BTW, where's my thanks for the question of yours I answered earlier. . I'm not good enough for thanks or something? __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by who-or on April 6th, 2001 06:14 AM heh, sorry about that. I completely forgot about that question that I had asked earlier. Well, thanks for your answer on that one and thanks for this answer you gave me Lord Locke! Posted by S3nTiN3L on April 6th, 2001 06:20 AM quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom See, thats good though. What i'm saying is be original. Don't just play the way someone else does because it works. Pick and choose stuff that people do that fits the way you want to play. There is nothin worse than fighting a so-called internet player. You know the type. the one's that see duc, valle, viscant or nyte play somebody and say I can do that too and blindly pick characters not knowing anything about them except what they saw. Experiment some. Like you said, he taught you how to do combos but I bet that you don't play his exact team and do everything he does, he simply helped you learn things, and thats great. Thats what i'm talking about. What usually happens when you play people like that is that you seen it before and once you break it they have nothin. I just don't want people to end up that way. i play now NOWHERE close to what he did i made up my own team of Sent./cammy/cable i have this thing with sent and cammy that NO ONE TOUGHT ME figured out all on my own! and now every time i got to some place and play with them thay start tryin to do what i do but its ok cuz thire jus trin to leard although ill admit from catchin SOOO manny AHYB to my face from duc thats one thing i did pick up from him but hay dosent everyone else!i acualy beat his spiral the first times he was trin her out i was SOOO happy of ourse the rest of his team beat me. ive been tryin to get him to go to the arcade we usto play in but i cant contact him......ohhh well i guess i had my chances.DAM but i jus want ONE chance to show him HOW much ive improved just ONE then id problaby stop playin cuz thats been my goal since i started playin MvsC2 to show him that i could be good too and i think he wont see me as a KID but as a player and compatision! anyways i HOPE he sees this and replis.anyways nice talkin to you lord doom ill catch you later! __________________ MvsC 3 Posted by Lord Doom on April 6th, 2001 06:26 AM Aight man, no problem. Just be happy that you've played him. I would love to play him. peace man. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by Combo Master on April 6th, 2001 09:23 AM Can anyone help me with the Psylocke "so-called" trple jump combo I posted earlier? Plz, its the only thing I need help with. I want to know what I have to do in order to be able to get the triple jump combo to work w/out Juggernaut getting too far out of my reach the the SJ.UP+FK in the air combo. Here's the combo agai, its done in the corner but I only have it as a double jump. In the corner: J.LK, J.LP, J.LK \/ D.S.LP, S.LK, C.LP, C.FK > LP Psy Blast > C.FP /\ SJ.LP,LK,LP,LK, UP+FK /\ DJ.LP,LK,LP,LK,UP+FK....and this is where Juggy gets too far out of my reach! Do I take out some of the hits at all? __________________ "The answer is only important if you ask the right question!" Combo Master JJ's Fighting Game Realm Posted by Dangerous on April 6th, 2001 01:50 PM Ok, this is for anyone that knows. In my last post, someone took care of one of my questions so I'll try asking the rest of them here. It's about storm as always 1) Does canceling storms j.fierce into her air dash would result in a -considerably- faster air dash? Could this "faster" dash work with any of storms other normal moves? 2) I know that storm has a hunter series in the air. But becuase of flying screen the whole thing only connects in the corner (funny, it's not even a corner is it? More like end map or something) However It seems to connect in mid-air too! Is there really a trick here, or am I seeing things? BTW the series ender I did is >> sj.fierce. Posted by tempest on April 6th, 2001 03:21 PM i know what your talking bout doom i hope i never fall in that i mean since you kinda took me under your wing with your bh i hope people never say oh temp stole that from doom or his copying how dooms plays his bh but there minor difference in our bh styles, but this how i look at it if i see somebody combo and its effective i'm going do keep doing but then i'm going experement with it like come up with new way do that combo or come up with differnt combo itself and etc but i still respect your bh . yeah most storm players i see cross up with firce punch into go in normal ground combo to air dash combo into 3 lighting attacks then into lighting super . and i would love see duc vs doom!!!!! , but i don't think this thread has reach the gutter like i mean those people say oh i beat valle or duc with this pattern and i saw how they did this , but mosty come on this site read it and go to gamefaqs and posting it anyway peace __________________ the will to live is stronger then anything. Posted by Lord Doom on April 6th, 2001 11:57 PM If you do a simple J. Fierce and cancel into her air dash it might be faster, I'm not sure but I know you can't attack during the dash since you already used a fierce. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by Lord Doom on April 6th, 2001 11:59 PM I wouldn't mind seeing that match either tempest. And don't worry, I just taught you the mechanics of BH, your the one that taught yourself how to play BH. I simply gave you some tips along the way. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by SSJTrunks on April 7th, 2001 03:28 AM hmmmm i just wanna know if sakura is any good? __________________ Don't Hate the Player, Hate The Game... Visit My Site - Dudleyville Posted by doombh on April 7th, 2001 03:48 AM Duc, what happened to cyclops? I saw that he isn't winning any tourneys anymore. Do you still think he's top tier or simply assists like commando, psy and sent has taken his place? I'm asking because I saw Commando, psy and Cammy winning lots of tourneys now, but no cyc(at the old srk rankings, cyc was at 70% of the teams) Do you mind to share your character rankings with us? Posted by LordLocke on April 7th, 2001 05:33 AM Re: hmmmm quote: Originally posted by SSJTrunks i just wanna know if sakura is any good? Sakura's got a couple good uses. Her Dash assist is pretty good anti-trap, charging through nearly all projectiles without slowing, allowing the point character to follow in or begin a trap of their own. On point, Sakura's got a LOT of combos in the 50-70 damage range not involving supers, so she can rack up a lot of damage pretty quickly. Her biggest problem is dealing more then that 70 in any given combo. In MvC2, a game where combo lords like Magento only need two shots to kill you, needing three means you need to be a lot more careful. However, Sak on point is a decent Spiral counter with BH-beta, and she can go poke-for-poke priority-wise with Magneto or Strider, so don't feel too shy to mix it up with her. I'd place Sakura mid to upper-mid tier two. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by LordLocke on April 7th, 2001 05:39 AM quote: Originally posted by doombh Duc, what happened to cyclops? I saw that he isn't winning any tourneys anymore. Do you still think he's top tier or simply assists like commando, psy and sent has taken his place? I'm asking because I saw Commando, psy and Cammy winning lots of tourneys now, but no cyc(at the old srk rankings, cyc was at 70% of the teams) Do you mind to share your character rankings with us? It's not that Cyke sucks, it's that 1) Everyone knows about Cyke now and getting a chance to actually use it is a bitch. 2) Cyclops hangs around for too long, and if blocked or wiffed, Cyke's gonna get punished, and 3) Psylocke can do is job better, while remaining safer and being both a better character on point, and useful in many more teams. I'd still suggest Cyke to Spiral/Cable players, if they'd rather go for invinible AAA then nearly-full lockdown with Sentinal, but otherwise Psylocke is a safer option. Capcom has always been around in force. He helps a lot of characters that normally don't beat Storm get an edge on her, and if he's your last person, he works decently without assists, particularly if your opponent doesn't have anyting to back them up either. Still, it's a far cry from the first month the game was out, and everyone declared Capcom the most broken character in VS history (A bit of a stretch, remembering XvSF Zangeif or MSHvSF Wolvarine) __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by MegaMan-X on April 7th, 2001 05:42 AM Sir Duc, I got some questions 1. who you going to use in B5? 2. Who can go with my party of cabel and cyclops? Thanks. Posted by LordLocke on April 7th, 2001 05:48 AM quote: Originally posted by MegaMan-X Sir Duc, I got some questions 1. who you going to use in B5? 2. Who can go with my party of cabel and cyclops? Thanks. Can't answer question 1 for ya, because I'm not Duc, but question 2 I basically stated the answer to above. In the day and age of Psylocke, the only team where I honestly would prefer to have Cyclops is Spiral/Cable/Cyclops. Spiral would be your best bet, IMO, for your third man. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by Lord Doom on April 7th, 2001 07:35 AM You can't forget that Cyclops can still build meter like crazy with his J. RK(both of them), he's a pretty good fighter if you know what your doing with him, he has an infinite, he has two good assists if you ask me(AAA of course and his projectile will cut through anything short of Storm/Cable), he does have a keepaway game, plus he has a double jump, thus allowing him to get over stuff that normal folks can't. Not to mention his Supers do crazy block damage and combo easily on the ground. I definitely say that Cyclops is still top-tier. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by tempest on April 7th, 2001 02:13 PM i agree cycks i think is kinda underrated character ,but people just used him for his aaa to steup cable hvbx3 cuz and i agree psy aaa is better but ckyc ,cabe;, spiral sounds like great team. and like i said some of these non mvc2 questions are getting lame ,but doom lets raise the bar hows duc/ valle vs you and ice !!!!! lol that be off the hook peace __________________ the will to live is stronger then anything. Posted by Evil on April 7th, 2001 03:16 PM I posted something like what you've said, it's ok to copy things and all but not an exact clone, grow a brain do things your way. And the cock sucking continues on this post,3000+ viewed? jesus. Posted by Lord Doom on April 7th, 2001 04:07 PM I'm sure that ice wouldn't mind a friendly match with duc/valle either. Oh well, we can always hope. Someday, something will happen in this boring state of NC that will bring players from around the country. Hopefully it won't be too late. peace. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by LordLocke on April 7th, 2001 06:17 PM Well, the problem with Cyke on point is that while he's well-rounded, no aspect of his game is developed enough to work. His keep away doesn't have a prayer of keeping Magneto or Storm out. His close-game will never get a shot at Spiral or Sentinal because he'll never get up there. His best use on point is to build meter and chip, and honestly, I'd prefer someone who has a little more solid point game while being a similar, if not superior, assist. Still, Psylocke adds nothing to Spiral, while Cyclop's added range adds quite a bit. I'd still take Cyclops, based on his assist there. I mean, let's face it. If we had a choice, would we ever send Psylocke or Cyclops on point? Well, we MIGHT send the former, but never the latter unless we're outta meter and sending out Spiral to build some is too impractical. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by BarrelO on April 7th, 2001 09:25 PM quote: Originally posted by LordLocke Psylocke can do is job better, while remaining safer and being both a better character on point, and useful in many more teams. I disagree. I think Cyclops is far superior on point. Psylocke doesn't have any way of safely punishing helpers; Cyclops has OB XX SOB. Psylocke doesn't have any way to effectively chip the opponent (Psy-thrust will do the job if the opponent only has a pixel of life left, but that's about it); Cyclops has the MOB. Psylocke doesn't have any way of building meter comparable to Cyclops's repeated jumping Roundhouses. Psylocke may be slightly better when it comes to rushdown, but that isn't saying much, since she doesn't have any way of getting in; she doesn't have an airdash, and her teleport is a joke. I'm not saying that either one is spectacular as a point character, but if I had to have one of them in there, I'd go with Cyclops. __________________ Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by fireballtrap on April 8th, 2001 02:38 AM How do you beat a good Strider/Doom/CC? Who should I use? I can handle Strider/Doom somewhat, but it's that damn CC that I lose to. That assist has too much horizantal range for an anti air!!! Feel free to go as far into detail as possible. Posted by LordLocke on April 8th, 2001 03:13 AM quote: Originally posted by BarrelO I disagree. I think Cyclops is far superior on point. Psylocke doesn't have any way of safely punishing helpers; Cyclops has OB XX SOB. Psylocke doesn't have any way to effectively chip the opponent (Psy-thrust will do the job if the opponent only has a pixel of life left, but that's about it); Cyclops has the MOB. Psylocke doesn't have any way of building meter comparable to Cyclops's repeated jumping Roundhouses. Psylocke may be slightly better when it comes to rushdown, but that isn't saying much, since she doesn't have any way of getting in; she doesn't have an airdash, and her teleport is a joke. I'm not saying that either one is spectacular as a point character, but if I had to have one of them in there, I'd go with Cyclops. I disagree too. Cyke's point game is all around USING meter, something Cyke's SUPPOSED to be building. Sure, he builds it a little faster, but he uses it up just as fast if you want to mount any kind of offence. Without the MOB and SOB, Cyclops is NOTHING on point. And with the SOB and MOB, Cyke isn't doing his job at building meter for Cable/Doom/BH/whoever else. He's just taking up space and losing life, a valuable resource for a team's primary AAA. Psylocke can play her point game without using a single bar. Assists help her get in and play her pixie game, and once she gets in she can be a pain to get back out unless you're Doom (the only range-game character who can get away from Psylocke outside fast, invincible AAA. I'd rather have Cyke left as my final character, agreed, but while other characters to use the meters I build are still in play (especially Cyke's supposed best-partner Cable), Psylocke is the way to go, IMO. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by David L on April 8th, 2001 03:39 AM quote: Originally posted by fireballtrap How do you beat a good Strider/Doom/CC? Who should I use? I can handle Strider/Doom somewhat, but it's that damn CC that I lose to. That assist has too much horizantal range for an anti air!!! Feel free to go as far into detail as possible. use jin as anti air =P __________________ ~Oh My God Posted by BarrelO on April 8th, 2001 03:43 AM quote: Originally posted by LordLocke I disagree too. Cyke's point game is all around USING meter, something Cyke's SUPPOSED to be building. Sure, he builds it a little faster, but he uses it up just as fast if you want to mount any kind of offence. Without the MOB and SOB, Cyclops is NOTHING on point. And with the SOB and MOB, Cyke isn't doing his job at building meter for Cable/Doom/BH/whoever else. He's just taking up space and losing life, a valuable resource for a team's primary AAA. Psylocke can play her point game without using a single bar. Assists help her get in and play her pixie game, and once she gets in she can be a pain to get back out unless you're Doom (the only range-game character who can get away from Psylocke outside fast, invincible AAA. I'd rather have Cyke left as my final character, agreed, but while other characters to use the meters I build are still in play (especially Cyke's supposed best-partner Cable), Psylocke is the way to go, IMO. This all has to be looked at in light of the fact that neither Cyclops or Psylocke is supposed to be on point in the first place. If they're actually in the game, chances are their partners are either dead or in serious danger. So assists probably won't be a factor. And if, through some fluke, they make it in while their partners are alive and well (if they're accidentally countered in, for example), their gameplan is going to be to DHC out at the first available opportunity. That's where Cyclops's meter-building advantage comes in. And for what it's worth, Doom and Blackheart can build meter by themselves. __________________ Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by LordLocke on April 8th, 2001 04:05 AM quote: Originally posted by BarrelO This all has to be looked at in light of the fact that neither Cyclops or Psylocke is supposed to be on point in the first place. If they're actually in the game, chances are their partners are either dead or in serious danger. So assists probably won't be a factor. And if, through some fluke, they make it in while their partners are alive and well (if they're accidentally countered in, for example), their gameplan is going to be to DHC out at the first available opportunity. That's where Cyclops's meter-building advantage comes in. And for what it's worth, Doom and Blackheart can build meter by themselves. Hmm. I guess it's looking at the issue as "Do I want to pick an assist I can use decently well on point" or "Do I want an assist who might work well as a last ditch." Psylocke, as long as she has a beam or duration AAA like Doom or Blackheart backing her, can function on point pretty well, and can make a decent 3rd character, particularly at playing counter-character on Sentinal or BH. Meanwhile, Cyke, if stuck alone, has a shot at a comeback, especially if it's a close match. Psylocke dies the instant she's stuck along against someone who still has assists. I personally belong to the school of "If I'm planning for my AAA to be alone at the end, I've already lost." Hence, I tend to prefer Psylocke. My non-T1 characters (Sakura, Samurai, Venom, Servbot) are ones I plan to use on point (or at least primarailly on point. Sakura goes back to slot 3 against Spiral for anti-trap.) I rarely use Capcom anymore, and I stopped using Cyclops a while back. I never really use Psylocke, but I've seen her actually holding her own on point against certain T1 characters as long as she had an assist backing her. Something I've never seen Cyke do unless he manages to get them alone. If I were to ever use one of the big 4 non-T1 AAAs (Iron Man, Psylocke, Cammy, Capcom), it'd be Iron Man or Psylocke, who have feasable team point games and be counter-character VS certain T1s (Sentinal, BH, to a degree Doom for Psylocke, and Doom, Cable, and Magneto for IM) __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by ELLwarriors on April 8th, 2001 04:39 AM The problem I originally had wasn't about blackheart, but mainly cable/cyclops teams. But now I have a different problem. when someone starts cable, I get demolished. I played this really good player at my arcade(he placed fairly high at SHGL) who used the classic duc team of cable/spiral/sentinel and he started cable. He single-handedly destroyed me worse than I've ever been killed. the next time time he starts spiral, and i beat him. I realized that someone who starts cable gives me huge problems. The two people that beat at SHGL started cable. What is the solution to the madness!? Duc, lordlocke, someone give me an answer! __________________ My hand is the divine breath Posted by BarrelO on April 8th, 2001 04:47 AM quote: Originally posted by LordLocke Hmm. I guess it's looking at the issue as "Do I want to pick an assist I can use decently well on point" or "Do I want an assist who might work well as a last ditch." Psylocke, as long as she has a beam or duration AAA like Doom or Blackheart backing her, can function on point pretty well, and can make a decent 3rd character, particularly at playing counter-character on Sentinal or BH. Meanwhile, Cyke, if stuck alone, has a shot at a comeback, especially if it's a close match. Psylocke dies the instant she's stuck along against someone who still has assists. I personally belong to the school of "If I'm planning for my AAA to be alone at the end, I've already lost." Hence, I tend to prefer Psylocke. My non-T1 characters (Sakura, Samurai, Venom, Servbot) are ones I plan to use on point (or at least primarailly on point. Sakura goes back to slot 3 against Spiral for anti-trap.) I rarely use Capcom anymore, and I stopped using Cyclops a while back. I never really use Psylocke, but I've seen her actually holding her own on point against certain T1 characters as long as she had an assist backing her. Something I've never seen Cyke do unless he manages to get them alone. If I were to ever use one of the big 4 non-T1 AAAs (Iron Man, Psylocke, Cammy, Capcom), it'd be Iron Man or Psylocke, who have feasable team point games and be counter-character VS certain T1s (Sentinal, BH, to a degree Doom for Psylocke, and Doom, Cable, and Magneto for IM) Yeah, I guess it's a matter of perspective. My primary AAA isn't going to be in there unless he's the last one standing, so I prefer to have someone who can pull it out on his own if need be. This is backed up by my personal experiences in matches. And my AAA choices depend on my needs. If I need a "keep them off your ass" AAA, I go with Commando or Jin. If I want one to set stuff up, it's either Cyclops or Psylocke. In that case, I'm going to go with Cyclops except in circumstances in which Psylocke is overwhelmingly better. Also, I was just curious: Why don't you have Ken on your list of major non-top tier AAAs? __________________ Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by LordLocke on April 8th, 2001 04:53 AM quote: Originally posted by ELLwarriors The problem I originally had wasn't about blackheart, but mainly cable/cyclops teams. But now I have a different problem. when someone starts cable, I get demolished. I played this really good player at my arcade(he placed fairly high at SHGL) who used the classic duc team of cable/spiral/sentinel and he started cable. He single-handedly destroyed me worse than I've ever been killed. the next time time he starts spiral, and i beat him. I realized that someone who starts cable gives me huge problems. The two people that beat at SHGL started cable. What is the solution to the madness!? Duc, lordlocke, someone give me an answer! Well, against opening Cable, you gotta be careful. Iron Man and Dr. Doom still kill Cable dead, and it's even worse if he opens, but Cable backed by Sentinal can play suprisingly good keep away with Grenades, Viper Beams, Drones, and Fierces. I'd try to stay above the mess and try to approach with Super Jumps if you've got a rushdown character. If you're playing another keep-away character, particularly Spiral, just play your trap but be ready to teleport or SJ on the drop of a hat (or Sentinal) Strider, too, should be making libral use of the teleport. Blackheart and Sentinal... well, BH dies. I honestly can't give an honest answer that'll give BH anything better then average against Cable (And average for BH means dying to Cable) You can try Fly-cancel Sentinal if you know how, as long as you got a duration assist like Doom AAA (To keep their Sentinal from coming out and interfering), but honestly, I'd avoid that matchup as well. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by Wind on April 8th, 2001 04:57 AM duc, Do you use wavedashing(I'm guessing you do)? Do you do it with Magneto and Storm(I'm guessing you do also)? If you do, when do you use it? I know you would use it to get by Doom's photon shots, but do you use it for other uses like as a normal dash in or is just getting by photon shots the only purpose of wavedashing? Posted by LordLocke on April 8th, 2001 04:59 AM quote: Originally posted by BarrelO Also, I was just curious: Why don't you have Ken on your list of major non-top tier AAAs? Honestly, I never see ANYONE using him, even in his "marquee" matchups, Strider/Doom and BH/Cyke. For everything he's supposed to be, I see a lot more of even MORRIGAN then I see Ken. I know he's good as invincible AAA, but I never remember about all I ever see him in are scrubby Shoto teams. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by dragonkahn on April 8th, 2001 08:38 AM quote: Originally posted by ducvader youll make me one of those thingys for my name...i would like one thanks..something cool ya? Here it is: Copy the link above. Click on the "My Home" link at the top of this page, click on "Edit Options", then click the "Change Avator" button. Then paste the copied URL into the URL textbox, and then click Submit Modifications. And Presto! You got a new avator! Hope you like it! __________________ Long Live the Dragon Posted by ducvader on April 8th, 2001 09:14 AM Test Posted by dragonkahn on April 8th, 2001 09:25 AM quote: Originally posted by ducvader Test Trying to test your new avator? Is there any problems? I failed to mention one step. After you click the "Change Avator", check the circle that says "Yes" to use custom avator. Sorry, I didn't mention that. __________________ Long Live the Dragon Posted by ducvader on April 8th, 2001 11:51 PM test...ahh what happen to the spiral one Posted by lain on April 9th, 2001 12:04 AM quack __________________ I'm a huge loser. Posted by Lord Doom on April 9th, 2001 12:32 AM Very nice avatar duc. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by SilverGear on April 9th, 2001 12:44 AM All I can say is.... In all honesty Duc all I have to ask you is.... If I meet you at B5 can I shake your hand? Seriously that's all I have to ask. P.S. Your Shoto Team in the Houston Video was sweet. __________________ SilverGear Proud leader of "The misfits". Posted by dragonkahn on April 9th, 2001 12:54 AM quote: Originally posted by ducvader test...ahh what happen to the spiral one I can make you a Spiral avator if you want. Just give me an idea of what you want on it, and I'll get on it. __________________ Long Live the Dragon Posted by ducvader on April 9th, 2001 05:35 AM dragonkahn.....the one you gave me the first time you know the one with my team on it i like that ...spiral in the middle sent on the right side and cable on the left side...i like that with my name at the bottom. thanks man cause that is really cool...i owe you one.....maybe srk and i as well as others can think of a gift for everyone else. Posted by dragonkahn on April 9th, 2001 06:15 AM quote: Originally posted by ducvader dragonkahn.....the one you gave me the first time you know the one with my team on it i like that ...spiral in the middle sent on the right side and cable on the left side...i like that with my name at the bottom. thanks man cause that is really cool...i owe you one.....maybe srk and i as well as others can think of a gift for everyone else. Sorry I deleted the original one. I'm re-working as it as we speak. __________________ Long Live the Dragon Posted by ducvader on April 9th, 2001 06:21 AM dragonkahn....kewl thanks man i want that one very bad hehe lol...thanks man im so happy you are doing that...i looked at some of the past questions and i dont see much that needs answering ...hope peeps keep it coming but please slowly peeps thanks a lot. Posted by LastGod VT on April 9th, 2001 06:28 AM hey duc, whatd you think of the Japan rankings? BTW great performace at B4... I remember when inkblot (was it him or Ponder? I cant remember) offered prize money to whoever could send you to the losers bracket? that was classic ^_^ __________________ ~~ VT Style ~~ Posted by dragonkahn on April 9th, 2001 06:36 AM Alright, here it is: Hmmm... a gift? Let's see... how bout you promise me a match against you during practice on the next Golfland tourney? The name's John Le (yeah, i'm viet, too) __________________ Long Live the Dragon Posted by ducvader on April 9th, 2001 07:02 AM dragon hey the ducvader was accross the whole bottom and the v was broken it was kewl sorry can you add that thanks me and um the japan rankings for it was crazy at first but now it should change cause of opinion um..rankings vary for coutries i think..i seen this in the old alpha books. oh and the ducvader was in capitals and bigger letter thanks and you want a match before the tourney ok just come up to me. Posted by DeathFromAbove on April 9th, 2001 08:26 AM Hmmmm...what is the best way to punish assist characters using Blackheart at point, when I'm not able to call an assist in yet? It seems that unless the assist character is standing very near to their point character, I can't do much. Muchas gracias, -DFA Posted by dj-b13 on April 9th, 2001 01:51 PM Nice tag DuC .,.. __________________ huhuhuhuhu...hahahahaha...HAHAHAHAHA! Posted by LordLocke on April 9th, 2001 04:14 PM quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Hmmmm...what is the best way to punish assist characters using Blackheart at point, when I'm not able to call an assist in yet? It seems that unless the assist character is standing very near to their point character, I can't do much. Muchas gracias, -DFA Well, if your opponent is somewhat near the assist (Like Psylocke AAA or perhaps Cable calling out Sentinal for his trap), then an Inferno XX HOD should force them to block while their assist eats both (Although I don't suggest HOD-ing Cable on ANY circumstance, 'lest he choose to actually eat it and counter with AVHBxWhatever. If they're calling an assist that isn't near them, like Cyclops AAA or Sential ground backing someone like Storm... forget it. Blackheart has no feasable way of punishing assists NOT near the opponent's point character without leaving himself wide open. I guess if you're gutsy you can do one of the Judgement Days, but usually you can only hit one character in it constantly, and either the assist will get away or the opponent will have their point shielded by the juggled assist and have time to set up nearly anything. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by Las Vegas Pimp on April 9th, 2001 04:16 PM Hey what's up? Will Akuma's raging demon connect after a successful Ken's srk special? Just wondering as it always looks like it works after Ken goes up the second time then cancel to the El Demon. - Y2Kev (Hey guys, where do you get an Avatar or graphics for it none the less?) __________________ (Y2KevinIsGod@Aol.Com) Helping "scrubs" reach their potential. Posted by Supergeek on April 9th, 2001 04:18 PM quote: Originally posted by Las Vegas Pimp Hey what's up? Will Akuma's raging demon connect after a successful Ken's srk special? Just wondering as it always looks like it works after Ken goes up the second time then cancel to the El Demon. - Y2Kev (Hey guys, where do you get an Avatar or graphics for it none the less?) I'm not Duc, but I can say this: Raging Demon will connect after the second set of Shoryureppa, just make sure to cancel early. __________________ The key to victory is NOT lose. Posted by strider86 on April 9th, 2001 07:27 PM Psx2000 the answer to your qusetion can be the ironman guard break as u kill your opponent get in the corner do a up fierce land, then do the infinite. Duc my question is what should a team that is made up of strider/doom/ken do against any spiral based team.the last time i played against u at the shgl(remember the kid with the strider/doom/cable and his two friends that tried to beat u. If u could help me that would be cool if not,someone should be able to answer my question. Posted by ducvader on April 9th, 2001 10:32 PM need to learn when to teleport with strider. and position yourself with the opponent so your aaa can hit spiral if she reloads. try to get in close.....and stay close....shes better at distances than close up for most parts..this i notice most about all other spirals. if they dont have a good anti air then its a field day for strider just as long as you have supers for oros. i was playing you....hmmmm...ask me when you see me . i can show you better in person than typing it here in the forums since im not that good with putting ideas down. ok guys peace out. Posted by Juicy G on April 9th, 2001 10:53 PM Hello Duc I have a question I heard that Cable/CapCom beats Cable/Clops and Cable/Sent is this true? thanx in advance and good luck at school. __________________ I Am the Instrument of your defeat!! Posted by KusanagiClan on April 9th, 2001 11:30 PM I have some questions about spiral. First off, she's supposed to be the cable killer, due to her knives cutting off any attempts at an ahvb. If a cable just jumps and superjumps all over the place with Rh/Fp, and constantly calls sentinels drones, how does spiral counter this? A couple of knives taken here and there doesn't amount to one set of drones connecting on spiral. Is this a good strategy or is spiral able to shut this down with her wall of swords? In the finals of B4, Valle tried a team of Ironman, Sentinel, and Doom(?). It faired pretty well for the first two matches. What's the key to Ironman's success against spiral. Other than tossing smart bombs every opening you get, is there any more solid gameplans to follow? In your opinion, what team has the potential of taking out your deadly ass team of Spiral/Cable/Sentinel? Posted by tempest on April 9th, 2001 11:45 PM KusanagiClan its manly spiral knive throws and know when to teleport out harm againest cable that how most spiral players can handle cable thats from my own experience ,but i'm sure duc can tell you better cuz i may have missed something,but sent plays better againest spiral has have rocket punchs ready when u see spiral reload rocket punch, or have sent and have cable has aaa . and iron man vs spiral you have be all over the screen and againest spiral player you have control the space get up close againest spiral if u give spiral player the screen he going make it tuff for u to win. i hope i explained this correct if not i'm sure duc or somebody can explain it better.peace __________________ the will to live is stronger then anything. Posted by Dem-Dem on April 9th, 2001 11:50 PM quote: Originally posted by FrizziPizzi Mr. Duc, I am a scrub at every game, especially MvC2. I know 2 combos for each character, and can do all the fatalities, oops wrong game. Anyways, I need help doing a 9456 hit combo with servbot. I saw a combo video with Servbot and Kobun doing a team super with gambit helper. How is this possible? I play on training mode every single day, somtimes TWICE! And i cant do it. I play against the best in Orlando, FL all the time, and they can do this....but not me...WHY?? Please explain why i am a scrub, and will never GRADUATE from SCRUB status... Sincerely your greatest fan, Frizz.... first, off servebot and kobun are the same charector. second, all servbot supers and team ups can be linked from qcb+F (if it connects) and third, Your a scrub because u can't adapt. P.S. Duc I likeed those slippers man, Can I be a bitter to and swing on your nuts. HAHAHAHA [J.Demry] Posted by LordLocke on April 9th, 2001 11:54 PM quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan I have some questions about spiral. First off, she's supposed to be the cable killer, due to her knives cutting off any attempts at an ahvb. If a cable just jumps and superjumps all over the place with Rh/Fp, and constantly calls sentinels drones, how does spiral counter this? A couple of knives taken here and there doesn't amount to one set of drones connecting on spiral. Is this a good strategy or is spiral able to shut this down with her wall of swords? In the finals of B4, Valle tried a team of Ironman, Sentinel, and Doom(?). It faired pretty well for the first two matches. What's the key to Ironman's success against spiral. Other than tossing smart bombs every opening you get, is there any more solid gameplans to follow? In your opinion, what team has the potential of taking out your deadly ass team of Spiral/Cable/Sentinel? Well, Cable playing the Cyclops "jump around" game on point backed by Sentinal is easy enough to break. Teleport above Cable when he calls out Sentinal, then rape his ass. Frankly, Cable bounding around like a moron with just FP/RK isn't that great. The guy SHOULD at least be trying for the Cable/Sentinal grenade trap, but Spiral's answer for that is still teleport. Cable/Sentinal isn't that great of a trap against Spiral. Knife pestering to force a Sentinal call, then teleport and being abuse up-close on Spiral. Iron Man... well, what do you want from the guy? If he's not going for the infinate, he should be dropping Smart Bombs as if he was over Hiroshima. He's not THAT flexable in the grand scheme of things. Either he's rushing that shit down for the infinate, or playing annoying pest with the bombs. And that doesn't really change against anyone, including Spiral. Although, if I were playing Spiral, I'd rather have WM. Faster Smart Bombs, so Spiral can't tele-gank me in my lag time like she can Iron Man. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by Supergeek on April 9th, 2001 11:58 PM quote: Originally posted by Juicy G Hello Duc I have a question I heard that Cable/CapCom beats Cable/Clops and Cable/Sent is this true? thanx in advance and good luck at school. Cable/CapCom has it advantages over Cable/Cyc and Cable/Sent, but not by much. A disadvantage includes that Captain Corridor doesn't exactly set up an AHVB very well. Basically you're just switching main assists, CapCom's is actually a lot better than Cyc's or Sentinel, it breaks rushdown, kills fliers, comes out fast and has little lag. Basically, Cable/CapCom kills Cyclops when he comes out and whiffs his assist and can mess up Sentinel after his assist. __________________ The key to victory is NOT lose. Posted by Juicy G on April 10th, 2001 12:03 AM quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan I have some questions about spiral. First off, she's supposed to be the cable killer, due to her knives cutting off any attempts at an ahvb. If a cable just jumps and superjumps all over the place with Rh/Fp, and constantly calls sentinels drones, how does spiral counter this? A couple of knives taken here and there doesn't amount to one set of drones connecting on spiral. Is this a good strategy or is spiral able to shut this down with her wall of swords? In the finals of B4, Valle tried a team of Ironman, Sentinel, and Doom(?). It faired pretty well for the first two matches. What's the key to Ironman's success against spiral. Other than tossing smart bombs every opening you get, is there any more solid gameplans to follow? In your opinion, what team has the potential of taking out your deadly ass team of Spiral/Cable/Sentinel? Iron man is a fair match against spiral. Constantly pegging her with smart bombs and uni beams can lessen the sword pressure.the sentinel assist beats the swords allowing a clear path and Doom rock would make most spirals telport and add that with Iron man's Jumping U-fierce(which Valle used to stop Duc everytime he tried to call swords from air) and you have a team Specifically designed to stop Spiral. But we know Duc is Different than everyone else __________________ I Am the Instrument of your defeat!! Posted by dragonkahn on April 10th, 2001 12:20 AM Alright, here's your tag, Duc: __________________ Long Live the Dragon Posted by Lord Doom on April 10th, 2001 01:49 AM Nice tag dragonkahn. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by tempest on April 10th, 2001 01:58 AM yes very nice tag umm can you make me one please??? __________________ the will to live is stronger then anything. Posted by KusanagiClan on April 10th, 2001 02:46 AM quote: Originally posted by LordLocke Teleport above Cable when he calls out Sentinal, then rape his ass. Frankly, Cable bounding around like a moron with just FP/RK isn't that great. The guy SHOULD at least be trying for the Cable/Sentinal grenade trap, but Spiral's answer for that is still teleport. Cable/Sentinal isn't that great of a trap against Spiral. I don't think you get the point of Cable jumping around like an idiot for the majority of the match against spiral. In order for spiral to do any damage and serve her main purpose as a battery, she needs to run her wall of swords. Superjumping around reduces the chances of getting caught in the wall, and will hopefully frustrate spiral. Also hopefully resulting in spiral trying to chase cable, with said teleports. You said to rape cable after he has wasted sents drones and has done his RH/FPs by teleporting above him. Other than mashing her FP throw, or spinning ball into her level 3 super, she can't really do much raping. And both j.FP/Rh don't have much lag, well not enough to severly punish, unless you can tell me what spiral can do to cable after teleporting above him. Because of Spiral's lack of ability to do major damage other than the two listed exampes unlike a cable/Magneto/Sents/etc., I think it's relatively safe to play so recklessly, as the most you are risking is eating one or two swords. Spiral relys on cable throwing his beams and teleporting through these to get behind and punish him, if you don't give spiral this luxury, I think cable's chances of winning are pretty good. Spiral doing that big expanding ball to take away most of the air space is the only thing that can really stop this jumping around from continuing, although cable could easily viperbeam this if he isn't already too close to the ball. Please let me know what you all think... Posted by TS on April 10th, 2001 04:04 AM TEAM SHOTO. two things- someone mentioned a vid of Duc's Team Shoto from the Texas tourney...where is it? Also, do you play them? Need know...will explode... __________________ -ß a r Posted by Wind on April 10th, 2001 05:07 AM Can duc or someone answer my question about wavedashing a page or so back please? Posted by AZER on April 10th, 2001 05:15 AM I guess I'll ask a question. How do I beat a good Magneto/Storm/Psylocke? I'm having trouble against this team. Any advice? What characters should I use against that team? I want to hear what everyone has to say. Thank You in advance. Posted by Wind on April 10th, 2001 05:22 AM AZER, The team I have most trouble against is any spiral teams. For example, spiral/cable/sentinel. I also have trouble against bh/cyclops or commando assist. Posted by Raz0r on April 10th, 2001 03:00 PM Azer, for the Magneto/Cable/Psylocke teams, you should use Storm/Doom/CapCom. With CapCom's AAA, its hard as hell for Magneto to come close. With Doom or Storm, you can stay in the air and just pin down Cable. As for Psylocke, just destroy her pixie ass. __________________ -Ramon. One. Posted by Dan Hibiki on April 10th, 2001 03:12 PM I have a quick question. First off, my team consists of Omega Red (throw type) and the Juggernaut (dash type). I need to know who would be the perfect third character to counter an expert Cable player. Thanks for reading, and I hope you, or anyone, can help me out. ^_~ __________________ ____ _ _/#####\/ ___________ /#/ > \ >| | WTF?! | |#/ \ ___/ / <___________| |/ ACSII Dan ver 1.3 Saikyo-Noon! -Justin Posted by LordLocke on April 10th, 2001 03:44 PM quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan I don't think you get the point of Cable jumping around like an idiot for the majority of the match against spiral. In order for spiral to do any damage and serve her main purpose as a battery, she needs to run her wall of swords. Superjumping around reduces the chances of getting caught in the wall, and will hopefully frustrate spiral. Also hopefully resulting in spiral trying to chase cable, with said teleports. You said to rape cable after he has wasted sents drones and has done his RH/FPs by teleporting above him. Other than mashing her FP throw, or spinning ball into her level 3 super, she can't really do much raping. And both j.FP/Rh don't have much lag, well not enough to severly punish, unless you can tell me what spiral can do to cable after teleporting above him. Because of Spiral's lack of ability to do major damage other than the two listed exampes unlike a cable/Magneto/Sents/etc., I think it's relatively safe to play so recklessly, as the most you are risking is eating one or two swords. Spiral relys on cable throwing his beams and teleporting through these to get behind and punish him, if you don't give spiral this luxury, I think cable's chances of winning are pretty good. Spiral doing that big expanding ball to take away most of the air space is the only thing that can really stop this jumping around from continuing, although cable could easily viperbeam this if he isn't already too close to the ball. Please let me know what you all think... I understand the tactic perfectly. I've had it done to me a few times. The thing is, unlike, say, the Cable/Sentinal trap, or just a basic run-away Cable, this one deals a minimal of damage (only if Spiral SJ's too early on the Sentinal drones and gets FP'd back down into them for chip.), and builds little meter. And once Spiral reads the trick, she can teleport behind and above (or just behind if Cable's low to the ground, so you don't get pegged by drones) Cable right as he calls Sentinal and there's nothing the Cable player can do about it. Cable/Sent stops the typical Spiral trap, but even without the trap, or at least the trap in full, Spiral can beat Cable/Sent. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by Eric Magnus on April 10th, 2001 03:46 PM Wow, the legendary Duc Do. Seen the combo movies. My friend I play at the arcade... he talks about you incessantly. He pays you a lot of homage, congrats. I was talking to some guys here about Tempest combos, and one said, "Duc's the only one I've seen consistently mash out of it". Do you have any special secret to doing it, or do you think it's just your quick reflexes that gives you an edge on mashing out of Tempest combos? Posted by strider86 on April 10th, 2001 05:23 PM the secret to mashing out of the magnetic tempest is to start mashing the buttons and move the joystick from left to right.when u here mag say magnetic, your character will escape the tempest but make sure u block after u escape. Posted by KusanagiClan on April 10th, 2001 10:33 PM quote: Originally posted by Eric Magnus Wow, the legendary Duc Do. Seen the combo movies. My friend I play at the arcade... he talks about you incessantly. He pays you a lot of homage, congrats. I was talking to some guys here about Tempest combos, and one said, "Duc's the only one I've seen consistently mash out of it". Do you have any special secret to doing it, or do you think it's just your quick reflexes that gives you an edge on mashing out of Tempest combos? Combo Movies? I think you may have Duc confused with James Chen, unless I'm missing something here. About your question, I can't tell you what helps Duc do it so consistently but to mash out of the tempest, just go nuts between and/or a little before the super screen freeze. Others have theories about hearing magnetic and mashing and such, but in most arcades it'll be pretty loud and the chances of you catching that are at times slim. In my opinion it's better to rely on a visual key to mash. Posted by KusanagiClan on April 10th, 2001 10:43 PM Lordlocke, yes this tactic does do minimal damage to spiral, but it also ensures minimal damage to cable and keeps spiral from building up as much meter as she would like. Also, since a fight against spiral isn't going to see cable wasting too much meter, it's surprising how much meter can be built over a short time. You said something like cable can't do anything about spiral teleporting away from the drones. True, but spiral doesn't gain much of an advantage either. So, the basic idea is to neutralive any trapping by spiral and to build decent meter at the same time. And could you go into a little more detail of how spiral beats this team? Not to doubt you, just interested. By cable/sent trap, do you mean fp x4, drones, viperbeam? Posted by Dem-Dem on April 11th, 2001 12:16 AM quote: Originally posted by Dan Hibiki I have a quick question. First off, my team consists of Omega Red (throw type) and the Juggernaut (dash type). I need to know who would be the perfect third character to counter an expert Cable player. Thanks for reading, and I hope you, or anyone, can help me out. ^_~ If your omega red is quick and can stay on top of your opponent then you need a top tier charecter with a good AAA Like Cyck/capcom/cable/mabey doom or even pyslocke. It all depends on who u can play with Posted by Lord Doom on April 11th, 2001 02:56 AM First off to beat a Storm/Magneto/Psylocke rushdown team I find it easy if you have a good AAA such as Ken/CapCom/Doom/BH/Cyclops/Psylocke. You can run and trap with Doom/BH or you can simply counter with CapCom/Ken/Cyclops/Psylocke. Add Cable/Storm/Magneto to anyone of those AAA's and you have a team that should be able to beat them. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by Ryu1999 on April 11th, 2001 03:00 AM i've determined the teams i'm most comftorable with, and i was wondering if you could tell me if they "mesh" together well. i know strider/doom/capcom is tourney-quality, but what about mags/psy/cable? i really don't like storm for some reason, so i replaced her with probably the most pivotal character in the game. anyways, the biggest problems with most cable teams is that he doesn't have a good anti air assist and since psy is useful to both chars (mag and cable), i thought this would an aite team. any problems besides spiral teleport hi-jinx? (since i don't think psy AA beats spiral like capcom AA?) __________________ I'll take the shoryuken over the EWGF any day! Ryu1999 -=Super-Scrub Extraodinare=- Posted by Lord Doom on April 11th, 2001 03:02 AM You can find all of the tournament videos on the multimedia section of this site. They are all zip files though so you need a program to unzip and watch them. And what I saw off duc playing Team Shoto was basically alot of air hurricane kicks and AAA's. No offense to duc but I wasn't particularly impressed with this team from the video since it basically came down to him throwing the shit out of the opponents. I sensed that he was simply messing around with this team. I was much more impressed with his matches against Valle/Nyte. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by Lord Doom on April 11th, 2001 03:05 AM Strider/Doom might be a problem for your last team. A good BH/Doom team might also prove to be hard to beat. __________________ NOW YOU FACE DOOM! Posted by Striding Cloud on April 11th, 2001 03:10 AM Hey Duc,it's me Billy.I wanted to ask you a question regarding that "new" gaurd break you told me about awhile back.It was like a team gaurd break,with Spiral and Cable.I think it was like,Kill point>throw circular swords foward at jump peak>tag out to cable>then that right?i'm not sure^_^Thanks alot!! __________________ I'm Not the Next Duc Do or Justin Wong...I'm the First Billy Kim!!! Posted by LordLocke on April 11th, 2001 03:14 AM quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan Lordlocke, yes this tactic does do minimal damage to spiral, but it also ensures minimal damage to cable and keeps spiral from building up as much meter as she would like. Also, since a fight against spiral isn't going to see cable wasting too much meter, it's surprising how much meter can be built over a short time. You said something like cable can't do anything about spiral teleporting away from the drones. True, but spiral doesn't gain much of an advantage either. So, the basic idea is to neutralive any trapping by spiral and to build decent meter at the same time. And could you go into a little more detail of how spiral beats this team? Not to doubt you, just interested. By cable/sent trap, do you mean fp x4, drones, viperbeam? Well, I'll answer the second question first. SJ and Call Sentinal. Throw out a grenade about 2/3 way up. Then, as you fall, do SJ.FP xx Viper Beam. Repeat. If they try to super jump, to a fierce xx VB instead of grenade. It's a bitch to break without teleports, as basically, Cable keeps you from jumping out of it, and Sentinal makes it difficult to use the ground to break it. As for the first question, if Spiral teleports and succeeds, it gets Spiral close enough to throw. True, it builds both characters meter, but it also damages Cable for about 20% and puts the two back at the prior situation. Also, Spiral can call swords if Cable still jumps up after calling Sent, then do the Ring to Metamorphosis if she wants. There goes a really large chunk of health for Cable, and the only difference now is that Cable has meter and Spiral probably doesn't (not that Spiral's gonna use it, and her gameplan doesn't change that much against Cable with meter except she doesn't try for blind Swords at all) Cable, on the other hand, has to wait for a Spiral mistake. I know, in an ideal world, that'd never happen, but if Cable's gonna pressure Spiral into making that mistake, he's gotta do SOMETHING, and that something might make him miss his chance and get nailed for it. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by powermachine on April 11th, 2001 06:47 AM Duc, I would like to see you answering doombh's question. Is cyclops really outside of the tourney scene/top tiers now? If I want to be a tourney winner, do you think it's better to develop teams with psy and commando instead? Thanks Posted by BrazilionBH on April 11th, 2001 07:23 AM i was just wondering if you hang out with calipower casually? __________________ Its the brazilion way!!! Posted by Clockw0rk on April 11th, 2001 08:21 AM quote: Originally posted by Dan Hibiki I have a quick question. First off, my team consists of Omega Red (throw type) and the Juggernaut (dash type). I need to know who would be the perfect third character to counter an expert Cable player. Thanks for reading, and I hope you, or anyone, can help me out. ^_~ From what I've seen, Omega works best with either Doom AAA or Sent drones. __________________ - Clockw0rk Posted by MULDER on April 11th, 2001 08:23 AM clockwork are you ever gonna update your site? __________________ THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!!!! Posted by Clockw0rk on April 11th, 2001 10:50 AM quote: Originally posted by MULDER clockwork are you ever gonna update your site? Keep checking it these next couple days. __________________ - Clockw0rk Posted by Dan Hibiki on April 11th, 2001 03:19 PM Thanks Clockw0rk and Dem-Dem. I think I'll use Sentinel's ground assist type for the job. Thanks for the advice guys! ::gives his patented, one-of-a-kind thumbs up:: ^_~ __________________ ____ _ _/#####\/ ___________ /#/ > \ >| | WTF?! | |#/ \ ___/ / <___________| |/ ACSII Dan ver 1.3 Saikyo-Noon! -Justin Posted by Javi on April 12th, 2001 03:51 AM We simply can't let this thread die, can we? Posted by Xecutioner on April 12th, 2001 04:32 AM hey duc what r ur impressions on japan's ironman and also r u and alex going to ecc this year? __________________ Osore tewai ikenai...Watashiwa Sai shyo de ari...Sai gyo yaru! (There is no need to fear me...for I am the Beginning...And the End) -Jedah Doma- (Vampior Savior) Posted by Combo Master on April 12th, 2001 02:51 PM I have a question! But it no longer deals with the Psylocke combo I need help with...but now it'll be with Cammy! Now I know that a good player will roll to prevent from being otg after the last hit of her Killer Bee Assault, so what should I do in the middle of this air combo to deliver as much damage as I can? Here's the combo and you'll recognize it right away! Anywhere: J.LK, J.MP \/ D.S.LP, C.FP /\ SJ.LP,LK,LP,LP,LP/\ DJ.LP,LK,LP,LK > RH Cannon Drill > Killer Bee Assault People always roll out of the way after the end of the super, so what should I do in order to deliver the most damage even though I know my opponent will roll away? Please help me! __________________ "The answer is only important if you ask the right question!" Combo Master JJ's Fighting Game Realm Posted by LordLocke on April 12th, 2001 04:11 PM quote: Originally posted by Combo Master I have a question! But it no longer deals with the Psylocke combo I need help with...but now it'll be with Cammy! Now I know that a good player will roll to prevent from being otg after the last hit of her Killer Bee Assault, so what should I do in the middle of this air combo to deliver as much damage as I can? Here's the combo and you'll recognize it right away! Anywhere: J.LK, J.MP \/ D.S.LP, C.FP /\ SJ.LP,LK,LP,LP,LP/\ DJ.LP,LK,LP,LK > RH Cannon Drill > Killer Bee Assault People always roll out of the way after the end of the super, so what should I do in order to deliver the most damage even though I know my opponent will roll away? Please help me! Well, the problem with that combo is that after damage reduction, you're doing only slightly more damage then the typical Launcher, AC xx Cannon Drill XX KBA because of all the hits between A and B. And you're a LOT more likely to screw this combo up, too. I'd stick to the easier one unless you really care about 5-8% of your opponent's life at the given time, or feel like showing off. __________________ It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! I do what I like. You got a problem? We have come to terms From the desk of the Eternal Keeper of the Galactic Library Posted by BarrelO on April 13th, 2001 01:26 AM Okay, Duc. I've got a question. How come you're so cheap? If you're really the best, you should prove it by fighting fair and not using cheesy overpowered characters like Cable and Team Shoto. You should be a man and speak out against dishonorable play. __________________ Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by Deathscythe on April 13th, 2001 01:57 AM ok Duc, rate this team for me. Cable/anti air assist Captain Commando/anti air assist charlie/anti air assist. give me your most expert opinion. Posted by Cybermitsu on April 13th, 2001 02:02 AM quote: Originally posted by BarrelO Okay, Duc. I've got a question. How come you're so cheap? If you're really the best, you should prove it by fighting fair and not using cheesy overpowered characters like Cable and Team Shoto. You should be a man and speak out against dishonorable play. Ummm... mind if I answer this question? I've talked to him about his "team ethics" and he says that the only reason that he does it is because he has to contend with every other cheeser on the block that is trying to beat him. I recall the first MvC2 tourney that they had at SHGL. The man used Omega Red/Cable/Zangief. He only lost to Alex and his CapCom AAA (which most now have to contend with). So what does he go and do? Discover a character that can single handedly lockdown an entire team and make most people cringe... He basically took a no-name character and brought 'em up to top tier status. __________________ Where is my glowing stick? Wait.. I mean KATANA!!! The only SILVER SAMURAI player in So. Cal Posted by DarthSalamander on April 13th, 2001 02:05 AM quote: Originally posted by Combo Master I have a question! But it no longer deals with the Psylocke combo I need help with...but now it'll be with Cammy! Now I know that a good player will roll to prevent from being otg after the last hit of her Killer Bee Assault, so what should I do in the middle of this air combo to deliver as much damage as I can? Here's the combo and you'll recognize it right away! Anywhere: J.LK, J.MP \/ D.S.LP, C.FP /\ SJ.LP,LK,LP,LP,LP/\ DJ.LP,LK,LP,LK > RH Cannon Drill > Killer Bee Assault People always roll out of the way after the end of the super, so what should I do in order to deliver the most damage even though I know my opponent will roll away? Please help me! If you know they are going to roll drop something like Doom AAA or throw them as they come out of the roll. __________________ "You spoony bard!" - Tellah (he died for you) Posted by BarrelO on April 13th, 2001 02:07 AM Umm, Cyber...I was being sarcastic. The whole part about Team Shoto being overpowered should have clued you in. __________________ Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by DarthSalamander on April 13th, 2001 02:19 AM quote: Originally posted by BarrelO Umm, Cyber...I was being sarcastic. The whole part about Team Shoto being overpowered should have clued you in. Plus the fact that it is BarrelO. __________________ "You spoony bard!" - Tellah (he died for you) Posted by Cybermitsu on April 13th, 2001 02:42 AM BarrelO: I see... well I was beaten by Duc's team shoto so... plus there are people that are not so well-informed about the history of Duc's teams. Most think that he just pulled them out of his ass or just woke up one day and had an epitheny (sp?) on a dominator team... Darth: I see... well... I don't post/read the boards as much as I would like to, so... __________________ Where is my glowing stick? Wait.. I mean KATANA!!! The only SILVER SAMURAI player in So. Cal Posted by DarthSalamander on April 13th, 2001 02:53 AM quote: Originally posted by Cybermitsu BarrelO: I see... well I was beaten by Duc's team shoto so... plus there are people that are not so well-informed about the history of Duc's teams. Most think that he just pulled them out of his ass or just woke up one day and had an epitheny (sp?) on a dominator team... Darth: I see... well... I don't post/read the boards as much as I would like to, so... Hey at least now you know. Also cool avatar yet again. First Atma Weapon, now Siegfred. Does he ever reappear after the train scene though? What was his purpose any way? __________________ "You spoony bard!" - Tellah (he died for you) Posted by Combo Master on April 13th, 2001 04:19 AM Im a showoff!!!!!! quote: Originally posted by LordLocke Well, the problem with that combo is that after damage reduction, you're doing only slightly more damage then the typical Launcher, AC xx Cannon Drill XX KBA because of all the hits between A and B. And you're a LOT more likely to screw this combo up, too. I'd stick to the easier one unless you really care about 5-8% of your opponent's life at the given time, or feel like showing off. Oh I see, well thanks a lot for your help! BTW, I do like to show other people that I like to do some very nifty combos, but its not like showing off or anything! __________________ "The answer is only important if you ask the right question!" Combo Master JJ's Fighting Game Realm Posted by dragonkahn on April 13th, 2001 04:50 AM quote: Originally posted by Cybermitsu So what does he go and do? Discover a character that can single handedly lockdown an entire team and make most people cringe... He basically took a no-name character and brought 'em up to top tier status. Thy name is Spiral. __________________ Long Live the Dragon Posted by Cybermitsu on April 13th, 2001 05:16 AM quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander Hey at least now you know. Also cool avatar yet again. First Atma Weapon, now Siegfred. Does he ever reappear after the train scene though? What was his purpose any way? He does appear again. IIRC, he reappears during a small trip through the caves of Narshe... or was it Figaro... I forgot... I do know that he does reappear at the coliseeum (sp?) He tells you that there is some imposter running around trying to imitate him. He also becomes one helluva opponent if you wager a elixir or a megaelixir. Damn him and his hyper bomb... __________________ Where is my glowing stick? Wait.. I mean KATANA!!! The only SILVER SAMURAI player in So. Cal Posted by BarrelO on April 13th, 2001 05:18 PM quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander Plus the fact that it is BarrelO. Heh. I see you know me all too well. __________________ Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by hadou-ken on April 19th, 2001 05:51 AM hello ducvader, i was wondering how far ahead do you think you and alex valle are ahead of the rest of the players in MVC2? and with trone bonne, can you mash out of her infinite, where she targets you then puts out a servbot? oh yeah goo job comin back to help everyone back . im outa here. peacce out!! Posted by Mech Zangief Master on April 27th, 2001 07:23 PM Jesus Christ You all fuckin praze Duc figure it out ur self don't ask 4 this dicks help fuck duc what type of a name is duc anyway??? duc is a dick and whats that 3rd stikre guy sayin all the time?, like "Yea i see" what does he see? All times are GMT. The time now is 12:22 PM. 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